The eldest Majilis deputy, first secretary of the Communist Party Vladislav Kossarev, is 74, years old Tengrinews.kz reports. Representative of Ak Zhol party Almas Turtayev is the youngest majilisman; he is 32. Being an oil worker, he used to chair Zk Zhol branch in Kyzylorda prior to becoming the MP. Tanirbergen Berdongarov, 35, was the youngest deputy of the previous Majilis. According to journalist Vacheslav Abramov’s Twitter, the average age of Nur Otan parliamentarians is 55, Ak Zhol representatives are 45 in average and the average age of the Communist Party deputies is 57. Deputies appointed by Kazakhstan People’s Assembly are similar to the communists by the age layout: the youngest of them, Yuriy Timoshenko, is 49 and the eldest, Rozakul Khalmuradov, is 70. According to Nursultan Nazarbayev, new parliament has more women . Their numbers increased by 9 compared to the last Majilis. 26 of 107 deputies are women.
The eldest Majilis deputy, first secretary of the Communist Party Vladislav Kossarev, is 74, years old Tengrinews.kz reports.
Representative of Ak Zhol party Almas Turtayev is the youngest majilisman; he is 32. Being an oil worker, he used to chair Zk Zhol branch in Kyzylorda prior to becoming the MP. Tanirbergen Berdongarov, 35, was the youngest deputy of the previous Majilis.
According to journalist Vacheslav Abramov’s Twitter, the average age of Nur Otan parliamentarians is 55, Ak Zhol representatives are 45 in average and the average age of the Communist Party deputies is 57.
Deputies appointed by Kazakhstan People’s Assembly are similar to the communists by the age layout: the youngest of them, Yuriy Timoshenko, is 49 and the eldest, Rozakul Khalmuradov, is 70.
According to Nursultan Nazarbayev, new parliament has more women . Their numbers increased by 9 compared to the last Majilis. 26 of 107 deputies are women.