site.news_by_theme Parliament Kazakhstan's new domestic violence law comes into force - On June 16, Kazakhstan's law aimed at ensuring the rights of women and the safety of children came into effect.
17 июня 2024
Australia PM urged to quit after 'Brexiting' himself Australia's opposition urged Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to resign, calling him the 'David Cameron of the southern hemisphere'.
04 июля 2016
Kyrgyz Parliament. Photo courtesy of Kyrgyz parliament confirms new PM, government Kyrgyzstan's parliament unanimously endorsed a new government led by the country's sixth prime minister.
13 апреля 2016
Israel caps bankers' salaries to $658,000 a year Israel's parliament passed a law capping the annual salaries of bank executives at $658,000, among the world's toughest such restrictions.
29 марта 2016
Results of the March parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan Ruling party seals expected victory in Kazakhstan vote Nur Otan, the ruling party of energy-rich Kazakhstan, secured a landslide victory in parliamentary elections.
24 марта 2016
©Turar Kazangapov Kazakh President Nazarbayev approves dissolution of Majilis After consulting with Speakers of both chambers of the Parliament and Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev dissolved the Majilis.
22 января 2016
President Nazarbayev (C) at the meeting with Senate Speaker Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev (K) and Prime-Minister Karim Massimov (R) © Kazakhstan on the verge of dissolving Parliament Kazakh MPs' proposal to dissolve the Majilis (Lower Chamber) and call for snap elections awaits approval of President Nazarbayev.
20 января 2016
Emomali Rakhmon. Photo courtesy of Tajik parliament votes to name president 'leader of nation' Tajikistan's parliament on Wednesday unanimously voted to grant President Emomali Rakhmon the title 'Leader of the Nation' for life.
09 декабря 2015
©Turar Kazangapov Kazakh Senate passes bill prohibiting foreign currency mortgage loans Kazakh Senate, the upper house of Kazakhstan’s Parliament, has passed a bill on non-performing loans and assets of second-tier banks.
17 ноября 2015
Catalan parliament to vote on secession in showdown with Madrid Catalonia's pro-independence regional parliament is expected to launch a secession process in Spain's wealthiest region, in a showdown with the central government in Madrid.
09 ноября 2015
British PM denies Syria strikes climbdown The British government denied it was abandoning plans for a parliamentary vote to join air strikes in Syria as an influential committee of MPs advised against action.
03 ноября 2015
EU has little option but to deal with strengthened Erdogan: analysts The EU, desperate for help to solve the migrant crisis, has little option but to deal with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his own terms after a stunning election victory.
03 ноября 2015
EU says Turkish vote reaffirms people's 'strong' democratic commitment The European Union said it looked forward to working with the new Turkish government after elections showed the people's "strong commitment" to democracy.
02 ноября 2015
Erdogan: Turkey's 'Sultan' wins again President Recep Tayyip Erdogan rose from humble beginnings to become Turkey's most powerful politician since Ataturk.
02 ноября 2015
Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. ©REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
  Former Microsoft CEO Ballmer discloses Twitter stake Former Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer disclosed that he has taken a four percent stake in Twitter, expressing confidence in the messaging platform's new management team.
17 октября 2015
Greece adopts more painful reforms demanded by creditors Greece's parliament narrowly adopted further reforms demanded by the country's international creditors in return for further bailout funds.
17 октября 2015
Putin wins parliament approval for Syria air strikes Russian President Vladimir Putin won permission from parliament to carry out air strikes in Syria.
30 сентября 2015
Dariga Nazarbayeva. Photo courtesy of Dariga Nazarbayev appointed Vice PM in Kazakhstan Dariga Nazarbayev has been appointed Vice Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.
15 сентября 2015
Kanat Saudabayev. ©Daniyal Okasov Kazakhstan's former State Secretary Kanat Saudabayev goes to Parliament Kazakhstan's ex State Secretary and Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev became a member of the Majilis, the lower Chamber of the Parliament.
02 сентября 2015
Greece rebels form new party ahead of snap polls Rebels from Greece's Syriza party on Friday formed a breakaway parliamentary group after Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras resigned.
22 августа 2015

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