Over 49 thousand people in Kazakhstan suffer a stroke annually, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Liter.kz. 80 percent of them became fully or partly disabled after the strokes. About 20 million cases of acute cerebrovascular disease are registered annually in the world. Five million cases end up fatal. According to Talgat Khaibullin, Head of Department at the State Medical University of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology, Kazakhstan citizens suffer cerebrovascular accidents two-three times more frequently than myocardial infarction. “Both in Kazakhstan and in neighboring Russia cerebrovascular accident is a serious problem. What complicates the matter is that people suffer a stroke all of a sudden. Complete disability is the most frequent aftereffect of the disease. At present the experts are doing all their best to modernize diagnostics equipment and to provide timely medical treatment and make the disease less spread and its consequences less severe. We have considerably modernized the diagnostics equipment in the last ten years. At present we have got the equipment that allows us to detect strokes at early stages of development,” said Nurlan Kayshibayev, Neurology Department head Almaty State Medical Personnel Training Institute. The experts are sure that healthy life-style is the main preventive measure against cerebrovascular accidents.
Over 49 thousand people in Kazakhstan suffer a stroke annually, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Liter.kz. 80 percent of them became fully or partly disabled after the strokes.
About 20 million cases of acute cerebrovascular disease are registered annually in the world. Five million cases end up fatal. According to Talgat Khaibullin, Head of Department at the State Medical University of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology, Kazakhstan citizens suffer cerebrovascular accidents two-three times more frequently than myocardial infarction.
“Both in Kazakhstan and in neighboring Russia cerebrovascular accident is a serious problem. What complicates the matter is that people suffer a stroke all of a sudden. Complete disability is the most frequent aftereffect of the disease. At present the experts are doing all their best to modernize diagnostics equipment and to provide timely medical treatment and make the disease less spread and its consequences less severe. We have considerably modernized the diagnostics equipment in the last ten years. At present we have got the equipment that allows us to detect strokes at early stages of development,” said Nurlan Kayshibayev, Neurology Department head Almaty State Medical Personnel Training Institute.
The experts are sure that healthy life-style is the main preventive measure against cerebrovascular accidents.