Tengrinews.kz – The police have addressed the residents of Astana due to the blizzard and strong winds.
Law enforcement urges Astana residents to refrain from long trips outside the city.
"On February 13, due to a blizzard and strong winds with gusts up to 30 meters per second, we ask drivers to be extremely cautious, strictly follow the speed limits, avoid sudden braking, maintain a safe distance and lateral interval. Parking should be done strictly in designated areas, and personal vehicles should not be left on the roadway. Drivers must also comply with the instructions of patrol officers.
We ask for understanding and strongly recommend refraining from long trips outside the city, as movement on highways is periodically restricted due to severe weather conditions. If possible, please use public transportation," the Astana Police Department stated.
Police reminded that not only drivers but also pedestrians should exercise extra caution. For their own safety, pedestrians are advised to cross streets only at designated areas, wear reflective elements on their outer clothing, remove headphones, and pause phone conversations when crossing the road.
On February 13, Astana is expected to have partly cloudy weather with occasional light snow and blowing snow. The southwest wind will reach 15-20 m/s, with gusts of 23-28 m/s during the day. The air temperature will be -13 to -15°C at night and -5 to -7°C during the day.
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