Tengrinews.kz - The exchange rate of the US dollar, euro, and Russian ruble in Kazakhstan's currency exchange offices on February 12.
Dollar to tenge exchange rate on February 12
As of 2:00 p.m., the dollar is being sold at 506.05 KZT and bought at 499.06 KZT in Astana. In Almaty, the selling rate is 503.84 KZT, and the buying rate is 499.96 KZT.
On February 11, the exchange rate in Astana was 512.38 KZT for selling and 506.34 KZT for buying. In Almaty, the dollar was sold for 509.51 KZT and bought for 507.09 KZT.
Euro to tenge exchange rate on February 12
In exchange offices in Astana, the euro is sold for 525.02 KZT and bought for 517.86 KZT. In Almaty, the selling rate is 524.34 KZT, and the buying rate is 519.11 KZT.
Ruble to tenge exchange rate on February 12
The Russian ruble is being sold for 5.32 KZT and bought for 5.22 KZT in Astana. In Almaty, the ruble is sold for 5.31 KZT, and the buying rate is 5.22 KZT.
National Bank’s official exchange rates for February 12
1 USD = 506.43 KZT
1 EUR = 522.43 KZT
1 RUB = 5.28 KZT
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