20 electric power substations switched off during the massive hail storm in Almaty on June 27, KazTAG reports citing press-service of AlmatyEnergoSbyt. "At 2:17 p.m. on June 27 strong wind with heavy rain, hail and thunderstorm caused emergency failures of high-voltage lines resulting in emergency blackouts in three regions of Almaty,” press-service reported. Citing Almaty Zharyk Kompaniyasy, the company's press-service reports that disturbances were caused by parts of metal roof sheeting ripped off from neighboring buildings that damaged the wires in the area of 6A substation at 110kV line No.110A and 111A. Around 20 substations failed altogether, automatic switching on of feeding power lines also failed. "Currently lines 110A and 111A are being repaired, the metal sheeting has already been removed from the lines. Personnel of Almaty Zharyk Kompaniyasy keeps checking suspended substations and power lines. Electricity supply to users will be resumed upon completion of the emergency repair works,” the message states. Citing information of KazHydroMet weather service, Kazakhstan Ministry of Emergency Situations reports that 16 cases of buildings and yards flooding, 5 cases of trees crashing on cars, 14 cases of trees falling on sidewalks and roads and 6 cases of ripped off roof sheeting were registered in Almaty. Besides, around 30 trees fell down at Almaty-Medeo road. It is being cleared by three vehicles and 11 employees of Kazselezaschita of Kazakhstan Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to the Ministry, the storm's consequences are being eliminated by employees of Fire-Fighting and Emergency Services of Almaty Emergency Situations Department and specialized organization Alatau Avtospetstekhnika. Almaty Emergency Situations Department and public utilities services are cleaning off the roads and the yards in Almaty.
20 electric power substations switched off during the massive hail storm in Almaty on June 27, KazTAG reports citing press-service of AlmatyEnergoSbyt.
"At 2:17 p.m. on June 27 strong wind with heavy rain, hail and thunderstorm caused emergency failures of high-voltage lines resulting in emergency blackouts in three regions of Almaty,” press-service reported.
Citing Almaty Zharyk Kompaniyasy, the company's press-service reports that disturbances were caused by parts of metal roof sheeting ripped off from neighboring buildings that damaged the wires in the area of 6A substation at 110kV line No.110A and 111A. Around 20 substations failed altogether, automatic switching on of feeding power lines also failed.
"Currently lines 110A and 111A are being repaired, the metal sheeting has already been removed from the lines. Personnel of Almaty Zharyk Kompaniyasy keeps checking suspended substations and power lines. Electricity supply to users will be resumed upon completion of the emergency repair works,” the message states.
Citing information of KazHydroMet weather service, Kazakhstan Ministry of Emergency Situations reports that 16 cases of buildings and yards flooding, 5 cases of trees crashing on cars, 14 cases of trees falling on sidewalks and roads and 6 cases of ripped off roof sheeting were registered in Almaty.
Besides, around 30 trees fell down at Almaty-Medeo road. It is being cleared by three vehicles and 11 employees of Kazselezaschita of Kazakhstan Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to the Ministry, the storm's consequences are being eliminated by employees of Fire-Fighting and Emergency Services of Almaty Emergency Situations Department and specialized organization Alatau Avtospetstekhnika. Almaty Emergency Situations Department and public utilities services are cleaning off the roads and the yards in Almaty.