Kazakh researchers from Almaty-based Kazakh National Technical University named after Kuanysh Satpayev (KazNTU) have developed bio pellets that facilitate growth of livestock, Tengrinews reports citing the press service of Kazakhstan’s National Center for Scientific and Technical Information.
These bio granules with living bacteria can be added to conventional feed. The probiotic contains lactic streptococci and other strains of microorganisms that normally live in the bowel of herbivores and help them to digest food.
According to the researcher at the Institute of High Technology and Sustainable Development of KazNTU Roza Adyrbaikyzy, young animals often lack the sufficient amount of these useful bacteria. They digest food less effective and their growth is slower. Adding this probiotic to the feed, according to the Kazakh scientists, would help balance the bowel flora of the young animals and stimulate their growth and development.
The scientists conducted tests in Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic where they added bio granules to the feed of ten-month lambs. The lambs fed with the probiotic gained weight faster, adapted to the environment better and were more resistant to bacterial infections.
As for the storage life, the granules can retain their useful properties for a reasonably long time, the developers said.
Kazakhstan’s researchers have been developing this product for over two years. The scientists obtained a patent for their invention.
Writing by Assel Satubaldina, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina