Tengrinews.kz - A strong magnetic storm has been reported on Earth, according to various media outlets. To understand the situation and its potential effects on humans, Tengrinews reached out to a Kazakh expert.
Olga Kryakunova, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and a researcher at the Ionosphere Institute, confirmed that a significant magnetic storm began on September 17.
"This storm is linked to a coronal mass ejection from the Sun following a substantial X4.5 flare. The ejected material was directed towards Earth, which is why we anticipated a magnetic storm. However, the magnetic conditions can vary across different regions. A major storm was observed in the American region. According to data from the geomagnetic observatory at the Ionosphere Institute near Almaty, a minor magnetic storm was recorded today, and currently, at 3 PM, a weakly disturbed geomagnetic condition is being observed. Such geomagnetic activity is quite normal, so there is no particular cause for concern," she explained.
The expert also addressed whether this storm could impact the well-being of Earth's residents.
"It is believed that magnetic storms can affect human health. People with chronic conditions are usually advised to monitor their well-being closely. However, the impact of magnetic disturbances is very individual, and it's best to consult with healthcare professionals for recommendations," she added.
Kazakhstani recently captured footage of a rocket launch into orbit.