The group of Kazakhstani companies of KazPV project (Astana Solar, Kazakhstan Solar Silicon and KazSilicon) together with American Clean Power Innovation have signed a memorandum with Qatar Solar Energy to supply silicon and plates for solar panels, Tengrinews reports citing IA Novosti-Kazakhstan.
After the signing ceremony on June 20, KazPV project leader Azat Betekbayev said: “With this memorandum in place we will sign a range of concrete contracts to supply solar-grade silicon produced by KazSilicon’s Ushtobe factory to Qatar: 500 tons in 2016, 500 tons in 2017, and will increate the amounts later on. In the end, by 2020 we will be supplying 4,000 tons a year. Grey cells and photovoltaic plates from Kazakhstan Solar Silicon’s factory in Ust-Kamenogorsk will also be exported.”
Betekbayev specified that silicon purification would be doneby Clean Power Innovation, an American company.
“We are viewing Qatar as our strategic partner that will not only purchase raw materials from us, but will also allow us to enter solar plants construction projects in North Africa and the Gulf countries," he added.
“The first joint station will be launched in 2016 in Qatar and we are considering other countries with energy surplus, such as Oman and Sudan,” Betekbayev said. Furthermore, Betekbayev said that Kazatomprom, Kazakhstan's national nuclear company, was in talks with Algeria on a joint photovoltaic project.
According to Kazatomprom, Qatar Solar Energy opened a new plant in the industrial zone of Doha in the beginning of June as part of the state program for development of renewable energy. The new factory specializes in manufacturing of solar modules with a productivity of 300 MegaWatts per year. Expansion to 2.5 GigaWatts is expected.
Since Kazakhstan is one of the three main suppliers of raw silicon for the production of the panels, CEO of Qatar Solar Energy Salim Abbasi proposed a joint project in production of solar grade silicon for Qatar Solar Energy factory.
By Dinara Urazova