Tengrinews.kz - Kazhydromet has released the weather forecast for Astana for the next three days, from February 11 to 13.
Astana weather forecast
February 11: Partly cloudy, occasional light snow. Fog at night and in the morning. Southwest wind at 7-12 m/s. Nighttime temperature -16 to -18°C, daytime -4 to -6°C.
February 12: Partly cloudy, snow during the day with blowing snow. West wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts up to 15-20 m/s. Nighttime temperature -13 to -15°C, daytime -6 to -8°C.
February 13: Partly cloudy, occasional snow and blizzards. Southwest to west wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts reaching 15-20 m/s. Nighttime temperature -9 to -11°C, daytime -3 to -5°C.
Earlier, Kazhydromet forecasters also made a forecast of what the weather will be like in Kazakhstan on February 11, 12, and 13.