KazSat-3 will be fully commissioned in September 2014, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Talgat Mussabayev, head of KazKosmos Naional Space Agency, as saying.
“The satellite was successfully launched April 28 and reached the orbit May 28. Once the testing is complete this coming September, the Kazakh side will be accepting the satellite for its further use”, he said when speaking in the country’s Majilis (lower chamber).
He pointed out that KazSat-2 had been operating with 66% of its capacities used by 12 Kazakhstan-based mobile carriers.
“The two satellites will be backing each other up, creating favorable conditions for Kazakhstan-based mobile carriers to shift to domestic satellites. Thus, imports of related services will be reduced by $21.9 million a year”, he elaborated.
“With KazSat-3 in place, Kazakhstan can enjoy a full-fledged system of satellite-assisted communications. It means greater independence and autonomy for Kazakhstan. In fact, we are building a system to ensure information security for the nation”, he summed up.
KazSat 2 is a Kazakh communication satellite designed by Russia’s Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. Launched July 16, 2011, KazSat-2 reached its orbital position late August 2011.
It features 12 Ku-band transponders for fixed communications and 4 Ku-band transponders for TV-transmissions and is intended for telecast, fixed satellite communication and data transmission for Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The unit weighs 1,330 kg, its service life is 12 years. According to Meirbek Moldabekov, Vice Chairman of KazKosmos, KazSat-2 cost $115 million and it will be recouped in 4 years’ time, if it is exploited at 80% of the capacities.
It was to supplement the KazSat 1 satellite, but it has replaced Kazsat 1 due to the complete loss of the first satellite.
Launch of Kazsat-2 and construction of a new backup ground-based spacecraft control complex will enable Kazakhstan to save $30 million annually, KazKosmos Kazakhstan Space Agency Head Talgat Mussabayev told a briefing in Akkol September 14, 2011.
“Today Kazakhstan’s mobile carriers pay about $30 million a year to foreign satellite operators. With KazSat-2 in place all the money will be retained in Kazakhstan”, he said at that time.