German woman has arm bitten off in Hawaii shark attack
A German woman had her right arm bitten off after being attacked by a shark while swimming in Hawaii.
Taiwan panda cub spends first night with doting mother
Taiwan's first new-born panda stayed overnight for the first time with her doting mother, zoo-keepers said Thursday, following a heartwarming reunion that took place in the international limelight.
Too late to stop extreme heat waves: study
Climate change will trigger harsher and more frequent heat waves in the next 30 years regardless of the amount of Earth-warming carbon dioxide we emit.
Climate change seen behind ancient civilizations' fall
A cold, dry spell that lasted hundreds of years may have driven the collapse of Eastern Mediterranean civilizations in the 13th century BC.
World-first study tracks dwarf minke whales
Dwarf minke whales have been tagged and tracked in Australia's Great Barrier Reef in a world-first pilot study which hopes to solve the mystery of where they spend the summer.
Big animals crucial for soil fertility: study
The mass extinction of large animals in the Pleistocene era caused today's dearth of soil nutrients, scientists said Sunday, and warned of further damage if modern giants like the elephant disappear.
Philippines works to contain huge diesel spill
Philippine authorities said they were working Saturday to contain a huge diesel spill that shut down parts of Manila Bay's vital fishing industry.
Green sea turtles eat more plastic than ever: study
Endangered green turtles are ingesting more man-made debris, including potentially lethal plastic products, than ever before.
Philippine oil spill turns Manila Bay red
A diesel oil spill spread a large reddish stain over Manila Bay in the Philippines' capital on Friday, posing potential health and environmental hazards.