EU agrees anti-tax evasion deal
The EU agreed a raft of anti-tax evasion measures to make it harder for multinationals to shift profits to countries with lower taxes.
21 June 2016
Kazakhstan boosts compliance with global aviation standards
A Significant Safety Concern (SSC) in Kazakhstan has been finally resolved through joint efforts in early May. This leaves no crucial concerns indicated by ICAO for Kazakhstan unresolved.
Israel supreme court strikes down landmark gas dealIsrael's top court on Sunday struck down a landmark deal regulating exploitation of Mediterranean gas reserves, in a major defeat for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
28 March 2016
Kazakhstan bans smartphones for police, civil servantsKazakhstan is set to enforce a ban on smartphones in the workplace for police and government workers in an effort to prevent information leaks, according to a document that was itself leaked,
24 March 2016
New Zealand bans 'zero hour' contractsNew Zealand has passed legislation banning 'zero hour' contractsto end the use of deals criticised as exploitative.
China adopts first counter-terrorism lawChina adopted its first counter-terrorism law Sunday: its provisions may tighten media controls and threaten the intellectual property of foreign firms.