Iron supplements do not boost malaria risk: study
Global health experts have warned against giving iron supplements in areas where malaria is rampant, but a study Tuesday found no rise in cases of the mosquito-borne disease among children who took iron.
Follow-up study backs circumcision against HIV
A follow-up probe into the use of circumcision to thwart the AIDS virus has confirmed that foreskin removal greatly reduces the risk of HIV infection for men.
Diabetes rises in China, reaching 'alert' level
Almost 12 percent of adults in China had diabetes in 2010, with economic prosperity driving the disease to slightly higher proportions than in the United States.
Kyrgyzstan urges calm after teen's plague death
Kyrgyzstan on appealed for calm after a 15-year-old boy died of bubonic plague in a rural area, stressing that doctors had not identified any new cases.
Young women who drink face higher breast cancer risk
Young women who drink alcohol every day may be raising significantly their risk of breast cancer.
Experimental drug 'cures' hepatitis C in small trials
An experimental drug combination cured 70 percent of patients with hepatitis C in early trials, offering hope of a simpler remedy for the chronic liver disease.
113 thousand people vaccinated against plague in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Healthcare Ministry has reported on the advance measures taken to protect Kazakhstan people from bubonic plague.
Kazakhstan fearful of bubonic plague spread from Kyrgyzstan
A teenage boy has died of bubonic plague in Kyrgyzstan. The neighboring Kazakhstan has stepped up border control.
Long-term study backs early HIV drugs for children
A landmark five-year trial has strengthened evidence that early use of antiretroviral drugs helps children combat the AIDS virus.