30 student law-enforcement groups have already been created in Almaty, Tengrinews.kz reports citing the press-service of Almaty Interior Department. “The students, being public assistants of the police, will be charged with ensuring that their mates maintain cleanness and order. The plan is to create such groups in every university and college in Almaty, regardless of their form of ownership, by the end of 2012. The patrol will not interfere with the studying process at the territories adjacent to their universities,” deputy head of the Public Security Department of Almaty Interior Department Serik Kazybayev said. 446 young people from 18 universities and 12 colleges are currently maintaining public order on campuses, in dormitories and study rooms. Outstanding students will get awards upon the results of the activities. “Existing student groups have a positive effect on the public order. No illegal actions happen in the study halls and on campuses,” Kazybayev said. A Regulation of the Student Law-Enforcement Groups has been developed and approved by several authorities to clearly outline their operations and interaction with the interior authorities.
30 student law-enforcement groups have already been created in Almaty, Tengrinews.kz reports citing the press-service of Almaty Interior Department.
“The students, being public assistants of the police, will be charged with ensuring that their mates maintain cleanness and order. The plan is to create such groups in every university and college in Almaty, regardless of their form of ownership, by the end of 2012. The patrol will not interfere with the studying process at the territories adjacent to their universities,” deputy head of the Public Security Department of Almaty Interior Department Serik Kazybayev said. 446 young people from 18 universities and 12 colleges are currently maintaining public order on campuses, in dormitories and study rooms.
Outstanding students will get awards upon the results of the activities. “Existing student groups have a positive effect on the public order. No illegal actions happen in the study halls and on campuses,” Kazybayev said. A Regulation of the Student Law-Enforcement Groups has been developed and approved by several authorities to clearly outline their operations and interaction with the interior authorities.