UN Human Rights Committee received a complaint of violation of the international covenant on civil and political rights by Kazakhstan authorities. The petition was written by the citizen of Mali Idrissa Traore, Fergananews.com writes. According to Traore, the restrictions for travel of foreigners and their choice of residency existing in Kazakhstan are violating fundamental human rights. The magazine states that this is the first case when a foreigner submits a complain against Kazakhstan to the UN. The foreigner has lived in Kazakhstan for over 20 years. He arrived in Kazakhstan in 1989 as an exchange student. After his exchange program was over he chose to remain in Kazakhstan. In 2004 Idrissa Traore received a residency permit that gave him the rights equal to those of Kazakhstan citizens, except for the election right and army service. In August 2009 Traore was a couple of days late to submit his documents to prolong validity of his residency permit. Kazakhstan migration police accused him of residing at the place different from his registration address and refused to prolong his residency permit until he pledges himself guilty and pays the fine. Although the fine was fairly small - only 15 thousand tenge ($100) - Idrissa Traore chose to start lengthly legal proceedings against the migration authorities. A year later he managed to get the residency permit back. During that year, having no valid residency permit Idrissa had no right to work in Kazakhstan so he left his well-paid job in Astana and fully committed himself to the barratry. Having received the residency back, Mali citizen decided to punish migration police officers and filed a lawsuit claiming the lost profit. "I have lived here for over 20 years. If I were guilty of something, I would have admitted it. But they constantly humiliate not only myself, but others too. They 'beat us up with a stick', while we do not deserve it. As the case got to the prosecutors, they know that this is illegal, but still do everything to support each other. Crows do not pick a crow's eye: that's what I was told officially," Traore said. Traore is sure that residing outside of the registration address should not be considered a violation of the law. His opinion is fully shared by human right activists of Kazakhstan International Human Rights Bureau that tried to render him legal support at all stages.
UN Human Rights Committee received a complaint of violation of the international covenant on civil and political rights by Kazakhstan authorities. The petition was written by the citizen of Mali Idrissa Traore, Fergananews.com writes.
According to Traore, the restrictions for travel of foreigners and their choice of residency existing in Kazakhstan are violating fundamental human rights. The magazine states that this is the first case when a foreigner submits a complain against Kazakhstan to the UN.
The foreigner has lived in Kazakhstan for over 20 years. He arrived in Kazakhstan in 1989 as an exchange student. After his exchange program was over he chose to remain in Kazakhstan. In 2004 Idrissa Traore received a residency permit that gave him the rights equal to those of Kazakhstan citizens, except for the election right and army service.
In August 2009 Traore was a couple of days late to submit his documents to prolong validity of his residency permit. Kazakhstan migration police accused him of residing at the place different from his registration address and refused to prolong his residency permit until he pledges himself guilty and pays the fine.
Although the fine was fairly small - only 15 thousand tenge ($100) - Idrissa Traore chose to start lengthly legal proceedings against the migration authorities. A year later he managed to get the residency permit back. During that year, having no valid residency permit Idrissa had no right to work in Kazakhstan so he left his well-paid job in Astana and fully committed himself to the barratry.
Having received the residency back, Mali citizen decided to punish migration police officers and filed a lawsuit claiming the lost profit. "I have lived here for over 20 years. If I were guilty of something, I would have admitted it. But they constantly humiliate not only myself, but others too. They 'beat us up with a stick', while we do not deserve it. As the case got to the prosecutors, they know that this is illegal, but still do everything to support each other. Crows do not pick a crow's eye: that's what I was told officially," Traore said.
Traore is sure that residing outside of the registration address should not be considered a violation of the law. His opinion is fully shared by human right activists of Kazakhstan International Human Rights Bureau that tried to render him legal support at all stages.