US police protect suspected anti-Islam filmmaker
The man suspected of producing a crude film lampooning the Prophet Mohammed has been placed under police protection after protests erupted around the world.
US lawmakers question China organ transplants
US lawmakers called Wednesday for pressure on China to stop the use of organs from executed inmates, as experts charged that transplants had become a business that may target prisoners of conscience.
Vivienne Tam goes cutting edge at NY fashion week
Vivienne Tam embraced geometrical shapes in a very big way Wednesday for both her spring-summer 2013 collection and her brand-new jewelry line on show at New York fashion week.
Australian super-trawler ban in doubt
Australia's hopes of blocking a controversial super-trawler from fishing in its waters looked uncertain with the opposition speaking out against the move and a key independent lawmaker expressing reservations.
Japan tsunami 'miracle pine' cut down, preserved A lone pine tree that stood as a symbol of hope in Japan, after surviving the huge tsunami that swept away a forest of 70,000, was being cut down Wednesday in a bid to preserve it.
12 September 2012
Australia breached rights of 9-year-old girlAustralia's human rights body Wednesday found the government breached the rights of a nine-year-old girl it detained for more than nine months, during which time she witnessed others self-harming.
PHOTO: Camels freely roam AtyrauTwo well-fed camels have been eating off the plants around Torgovaya Baza bus stop in Atyrau for the last few days.
12 September 2012
Catching some zzzz's at Costa Rica's sloth sanctuary They often arrive in bad shape -- hit by cars, zapped by high-voltage wires as they climb trees, or orphaned because superstitious locals have killed their moms.
12 September 2012
Vinikourov likely to become MPIf Alexandre Vinokourov agrees it is quit likely that he would become a Majilis (lower chamber) deputy soon.
11 September 2012
Ground Zero cancer victims to get compensation About 50 types of cancer have been added to the list of diseases eligible for coverage in a compensation program for people who became sick after the World Trade Center collapse on September 11, 2001.
11 September 2012
Exorcism boom in Poland sees magazine launch With exorcism booming in Poland, Roman Catholic priests here have joined forces with a publisher to launch what they claim is the world's first monthly magazine focused exclusively on chasing out the devil.
Asylum-seekers to live in tents in Nauru: Australia Asylum-seekers sent to the tiny Pacific nation of Nauru will be forced initially to live in tents, Australia's Immigration Minister Chris Bowen confirmed Tuesday.