Indonesia builds sanctuary to save world's rarest rhinoOn a leaf-covered dirt path overlooking lush paddy fields in western Indonesia, the world's rarest rhino had left a trail of hoofprints in the soft mud and bite marks on foliage.
The kindest cut: Malaysian charity styles the homelessHomeless Kuala Lumpur resident Indera Abha struggles to eke out a meagre existence by selling salvaged recyclables, so personal-appearance concerns understandably take a back seat.
World bows in respect to MandelaThe death of South Africa's liberation leader Nelson Mandela has unleashed a heartfelt chorus of awed respect from across the worlds of politics, religion, sport and culture.
In Paris, umbrellas built to outlast their ownersEasily broken and frequently lost, the humble umbrella is not usually seen as a luxury item. But for Frenchman Michel Heurtault, whose creations can sell for thousands of euros, that is just what they are.
Afghan schoolgirl scarred in acid attack now a teacherWhen attackers threw acid in Shamsia Husseini's face outside her school in Afghanistan, she defied them by returning to class -- and now she has scored another victory for female education by becoming a teacher herself.
Skyline of tents, towers shows Mongolia inequalitySat in a tent on the outskirts of Mongolia's capital, Norihil Gendenpil lives on the physical -- and economic -- margins of a booming city filling up with skyscrapers.
Japan's ageing 'ama' divers defy tide of time Mieko Kitai takes a huge gulp of air as she surfaces from the clear, blue waters of Japan's Pacific coast with a large abalone in her hand.
India's poor drain 'impure' blood to cure illsMother-of-three Lilavati Devi stands perfectly still in the hot sun in Old Delhi as a practitioner and his assistants check the veins in her hands.
Memories vivid at Iraq torture centre turned museumKamiran Aziz Ali grimaces and leans forward, his hands behind his back, re-enacting the moment in January 1990 when Saddam Hussein's henchmen flung him into a jail cell in the "Red House".
Ancient Asian art of origami gains following in WestHundreds gathered in New York over the weekend for a convention celebrating origami, the ancient Asian art of paper folding, as the craft gains increasing recognition as serious art in the West.
Isn't it cute? Chilean farm exports tarantula petsAs pets go, they are low maintenance. No muss, no fuss, nice and quiet, and even a bit furry. So, how about snuggling up with a giant, non-biting tarantula?
Swiss democracy in its purest form in AppenzellSteffan Millius grips his sword and makes his way through the throngs of people crowding into Appenzell's central square to take part in Switzerland's famous direct democracy in perhaps its purest form.
Hong Kong struggles to overcome mountains of wasteAn army of road sweepers and refuse collectors keep the streets clean in the heart of Hong Kong -- but on the outskirts, growing mountains of waste are testament to what campaigners say is an environmental crisis.
In Spain's Canaries, cannabis club thrives discreetly In the garden of the cannabis smoking club in the town of Mogan on Spain's Canary Islands, lush green marijuana leaves with serrated edges bask in the sun before being harvested, dried and processed to be consumed on site.
High hopes for Japan's wine in the old worldA thousand years ago, a vine that had travelled from the Caspian Sea coast along Asia's Silk Road arrived in Japan, where its fruit was heralded as having unique medicinal purposes.
Tourists fight the flab at Thai boxing campsIn a sweltering training camp on a tropical Thai island, sweaty tourists wearing oversized gloves and baggy shorts slam their fists, knees, elbows and feet into a row of heavy bags.