New York man freed after 17 years in prison
A New York man walked free Tuesday after 17 years in prison for murder, after it was determined that false testimony had been used to convict him, authorities said.
Two hurt in Shell plant blaze in the Netherlands
A massive explosion at a Shell oil plant in the Netherlands followed by a fire left two people injured Wednesday, authorities said.
Lost in translation: Boston case student did not understand Miranda rights
Kazakhstani student Dias Kadrybayev arrested in relation to the Boston bombings declared in court that due to his insufficient knowledge of English he was manipulated into making statements that discredited him and lead to his arrest.
Baruch to face court on June 10 for corrupting minors in Kazakhstan
Peter Baruch, the British national detained in Kazakhstan's Uralsk on charges of corrupting minors, will face the court on June 10th.
New India minister killed in car accident
A new Indian minister was killed Tuesday in a car accident in the capital just days after being sworn into government, officials said.
Global protest reads names of 100,000 Syria dead
Activists began reading the names of 100,000 people killed in Syria outside UN headquarters on Monday, in a modest launch of what they hope will be a global protest.
30 year sentence for killer of two French women in Argentina
A court in Argentina's Salta province Monday sentenced to 30 years in prison the man who raped and killed two young French women tourists out for a hike.
Japan starts building underground ice wall at Fukushima
Japan on Monday started work on an underground ice wall at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, freezing the soil under broken reactors to slow the build-up of radioactive water, officials said.
Frenchman 'admits to' Brussels shooting in video
A Frenchman who spent over a year in Syria has claimed responsibility for last week's deadly shooting at a Jewish Museum in Brussels in a video recording, prosecutors said Sunday.