Tengrinews.kz - Kazhydromet has released the weather forecast for Astana for the next three days, from January 23 to 25.
Astana weather forecast
January 23: Partly cloudy, light snow at night, ground blizzard. Northwest and west winds at 9-14 m/s. Nighttime temperature: -26 to -28°C, daytime: -23 to -25°C.
January 24: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Southwest wind at 7-12 m/s. Nighttime temperature: -30 to -32°C, daytime: -20 to -22°C.
January 25: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. South wind at 7-12 m/s. Nighttime temperature: -22 to -24°C, daytime: -16 to -18°C.
Earlier, meteorologists reported that Arctic cold continues to spread across Kazakhstan, with further temperature drops expected across the country in the coming days.
Rescuers towed vehicles out of snowdrifts near Astana