US approves first-ever pill for HIV prevention
The first-ever daily pill to help prevent HIV infection was approved Monday by US regulators for use by healthy adults who are at risk for getting the virus that causes AIDS.
18 July 2012
India clamps down on killer chewing tobacco
Anil Kanade seems almost too stunned to speak about the deadly cancer recently found in his mouth, caused by his addiction to a popular Indian chewing tobacco that doctors say is fuelling an epidemic.
16 July 2012
Fat studies conference challenges supersize stereotypes
Cat Pause proudly describes herself as "fat", can live with euphemisms like "curvy", "chunky" or "chubby", but baulks at what she believes are value-laden labels such as "overweight" or "obese".
Developing nations to get $2.6 bln for family planning
Rich nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said they had pledged more than 2.6 billion dollars towards family planning in developing countries at a summit in London.
Brazil to breed GM mosquitoes to combat dengue
Brazil will breed huge numbers of genetically modified mosquitoes to help stop the spread of dengue fever, an illness that has already struck nearly 500,000 people this year nationwide.
Cholera outbreak in northern Mali kills two Two people have died and 26 others have been infected by an outbreak of cholera in the city of Gao, northern Mali, a region occupied by hardline Islamist groups.
Eight sick with Legionnaires' Disease at Spanish hotel Eight people, including three Belgians, have come down with Legionnaires' disease in a hotel on Spain's Mediterranean coast that was closed after an earlier outbreak killed three Britons this year.
05 July 2012
Methadone linked to 30 percent of painkiller overdosesThe prescription drug methadone is linked to over 30 percent of painkiller overdose deaths, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention Tuesday.
04 July 2012
Mexico declares bird flu 'emergency' The Mexican government declared a national animal health emergency on Monday in the face of an aggressive bird flu epidemic that has infected nearly 1.7 million poultry.
Study shows spanking boosts odds of mental illness People who were hit or spanked as children face higher odds of mental ailments as adults, including mood and anxiety disorders and problems with alcohol and drug abuse.