Coca-Cola habit a factor in New Zealander's death: coroner
A New Zealand woman's 10-litre (2.2 gallon) a day Coca-Cola habit was a major factor in her death, a coroner found Tuesday, urging the soft drink giant to put health warnings on its caffeinated products.
Professional diseases growing in Kazakhstan
The level of professional diseases remains high in mining, coal and chemical industries; construction sector remains the leader by the number of injuries: Kazakhstan Minister.
Smoking out tobacco: The rise of the e-cig
The camera zooms in on a stubble-bearded hunk dragging on a cigarette and blowing out a thick cloud of smoke with what seems to be great satisfaction.
Genetically engineered virus kills cancer: study
A genetically-engineered virus tested in 30 terminally-ill liver cancer patients significantly prolonged their lives, killing tumours and inhibiting the growth of new ones.
11 February 2013
Alzheimer's cases to triple by 2050: study
Alzheimer's disease cases in the US will nearly triple in the next 40 years, according to new projections Wednesday that suggest there will be nearly 14 million sufferers by 2050.
Bionic eye gives hope to the blind After years of research, the first bionic eye has seen the light of day in the United States, giving hope to the blind around the world.
06 February 2013
Third world is swamped with fake TB drugs: study Africa, India and other developing countries are awash in fake or sub-standard drugs for tuberculosis, fuelling the rise of treatment-resistant strains of TB.
05 February 2013
Couch potatoes have lower sperm counts Men who watch television for 20 hours per week have almost half the sperm count of those who watch very little television or none at all.
05 February 2013
Erectile dysfunction signals heart troubles: study Erectile dysfunction might signal more than a need for the little purple pill, researchers said Tuesday in a study showing a link with heart disease and early death.
31 January 2013
Gates urges polio eradication by 2018 Microsoft founder Bill Gates said the battle to eradicate polio was one of the toughest the world has faced, but said it could be conquered by 2018.
31 January 2013
Gays who come out are less stressed: Canada study Gays and lesbians who come out about their sexual orientation are less stressed than those who remain in the closet, and often more relaxed than heterosexuals.
30 January 2013
Cambodia reports two new bird flu deaths Two Cambodian girls have died from bird flu, health authorities said Tuesday, raising the toll from the deadly infection in the kingdom to four so far this year.
Silicosis suit could crush S.Africa's gold mining sector Thousands of ex-gold miners suffering from silicosis have launched a class action suit in South Africa, in what could prove the final nail in the coffin of the country's battered but vital mining sector.