Sharks dive by the moon: study The moon and water temperature affect the diving behaviour of sharks, researchers reported Tuesday, in a discovery that could help prevent fishermen from catching the marine predators inadvertently.
17 апреля 2013
EU lawmakers face close vote on pollution credit freeze Controversial plans to revive the EU's faltering carbon cap-and-trade system so as to cut greenhouse gas emissions face a tough test in the European Parliament.
16 апреля 2013
Activists plant North Pole flag to fight oil drilling Activists have planted a flag at the North Pole along with millions of signatures calling for the Arctic to be declared a global sanctuary protected from oil drilling.
15 апреля 2013
Antarctic summer ice melting 10 times faster: study Summer ice in the Antarctic is melting 10 times quicker than it was 600 years ago, with the most rapid melt occurring in the last 50 years.
15 апреля 2013
Australia to tackle Japan on whaling at UN court Australia is to fire the opening salvoes in a legal battle before the United Nations' highest court in June aimed at stopping Japan's whaling research programme in Antarctica.
12 апреля 2013
McKinsey to help Kazakhstan develop green economy Kazakhstan Environmental Protection Ministry attracted McKinsey to work out a strategy of the country’s transition to the green economy.
11 апреля 2013
Asian gecko threatened by medicine trade: TRAFFIC Activists warned Thursday that wild populations of Southeast Asia's striking Tokay Gecko were in danger of being over-hunted for use in traditional medicine in China and other countries.
11 апреля 2013
Philippines asking $1.4 mn from US for reef damage The Philippines will ask the United States to pay 58 million pesos ($1.4 million) in compensation for damage caused by a US warship to a protected coral reef.
06 апреля 2013
Japan's whale 'research' is flashpoint in global dispute The Institute of Cetacean Research can be found in a nondescript white-brick office building in Tokyo's port district.
05 апреля 2013
Munching sheep replace lawn mowers in Paris Four little black sheep on Wednesday left the countryside and began their new careers in the city: working as eco-friendly lawn mowers in a largely working-class district in northeastern Paris.
05 апреля 2013
Economist warns of 'radical' climate change, millions at risk The author of an influential 2006 study on climate change warned Tuesday that the world could be headed toward warming even more catastrophic than expected but he voiced hope for political action.
04 апреля 2013
Singapore gardens aim for UNESCO heritage status Singapore, one of the world's most densely populated countries, is campaigning to get its 154-year-old Botanic Gardens declared a UNESCO world heritage site.
03 апреля 2013
Study maps accidental killings of sea turtles Sea turtles can get accidentally caught and killed in fishing operations, and new research out Monday seeks to map this phenomenon for the first time in a bid to save the endangered creatures.
03 апреля 2013
Arctic 'greening' seen through global warming Land within the Arctic circle is likely to experience explosive "greening" in the next few decades as grass, shrubs and trees thrive in soil stripped of ice and permafrost by global warming, a study said on Sunday.
02 апреля 2013
New quest to study 'living fossil' coelacanth French and South African biologists will dive to deep-sea caves in the Indian Ocean next month in a bid to locate the coelacanth, the "living fossil" fish whose history predates the dinosaurs.
30 марта 2013
US regulators under fire over bee-toxic pesticides US environmental regulators are under fire from beekeepers and conservationists who say they are failing to vet risky pesticides that put people and valuable crop pollinators like bees in peril.
29 марта 2013
Cameras to track tiger numbers in Bangladesh census Bangladesh is to launch a census of tigers next month living in the world's largest mangrove forest in a bid to determine the full extent of the threat to their survival.
27 марта 2013
Rare find: two new species join primate club Scientists Tuesday made a rare live addition to the order of primates, unveiling two new species of mouse lemur -- tiny, big-eyed animals that inhabit the forests of Madagascar.
26 марта 2013
Coral atoll where giant tortoises outnumber man 10,000:1 It is perhaps not surprising that there are only a handful of humans on one of the most remote islands on Earth, coral atolls far out in the turquoise seas of the Indian Ocean.
26 марта 2013
Shanghai sees swine flow easing Shanghai said the end of an embarrassing pollution case which saw dead pigs floating down the city's main river was in sight, with the total number recovered now standing at more than 16,000.
25 марта 2013

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