Semey gardeners boast 'no radiation' mutant plants Gardeners of Semey city in Kazakhstan believe that their berries and sunflowers are worthy of the Guinness Book of Records.
31 июля 2013
Astana airport fined for leaking kerosene into Yessil river Astana international airport was fined over 13 million tenge ($87 thousand).
31 июля 2013
Pavlodar to get chemical waste dump The chemical wastes dumpsite will open in Pavlodar.
30 июля 2013
Locusts may destroy Kazakhstan's harvest in 2014 Aktobe grain farmers forecast a difficult year in 2014 because of the locusts outbreak.
26 июля 2013
Hungary offers Kazakhstan to breed rare cattle Hungarian businessmen have suggested breeding rare Hungarian Grey cows in Kazakhstan.
24 июля 2013
Major China coal plant drains lake, wells: Greenpeace A major Chinese state-owned coal producer has caused "drastic drops" in groundwater near one of its projects.
23 июля 2013
New study ignites debate over Indonesia's mud volcano Scientists on Sunday sparked a fresh debate over what triggered Indonesia's Lusi mud volcano, still spewing truckloads of slime more than seven years after it leapt catastrophically into life.
22 июля 2013
US sweats out massive heat wave Clutching water bottles, New Yorkers battled a sweltering heat wave Friday with temperatures topping 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) and intense humidity packing an additional punch.
20 июля 2013
Deforestation spikes in Brazil over last year: group Deforestation has soared in the Brazilian Amazon since a new forestry code was passed last year at the urging of the agribusiness lobby.
19 июля 2013
Australia pledges more cash for reef starfish battle Australia pledged another Aus$5 million (US$4.6 million) to the fight against a predatory starfish devastating the iconic Great Barrier Reef Thursday, revealing 100,000 of the creatures had been wiped out so far.
18 июля 2013
Weird fossil sheds light on dinosaurs' lost continent Palaeontologists in Utah on Wednesday said they had found the fossil of a strange horned dinosaur which roamed an island continent known as Laramidia.
18 июля 2013
Revealed: Secret of bees' honeycomb For thousands of years, thinkers have marvelled at the feat of engineering that is the honeycomb.
17 июля 2013
Australia to ditch pollution levy by 2014 Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Tuesday announced the country's divisive fixed-price carbon tax will be scrapped a year ahead of schedule in favour of a market-driven emissions trading scheme.
16 июля 2013
Over 400 tons of highly-toxic substances removed from Kazakhstan to Russia Kazakhstan Defense Ministry and the OSCE have transported 410 tons of mixed acid rocket fuel component to Russia.
16 июля 2013
Habitat loss doubles coastal flood impact - study Removing mangroves, marshes, reefs, forests, dunes and other natural defences doubles the risk for life and property from coastal floods.
16 июля 2013
All fragments of crashed Proton-M collected at Baikonur All the fragments of the crashed Russian Proton-M carrier rocket have been collected at Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
15 июля 2013
Noise and the city - Hong Kong's struggle for quiet With its pounding construction sites and constant roar of traffic, Hong Kong is a cacophony of noise with experts and residents calling on authorities to keep a lid on the din for the sake of public health.
13 июля 2013
Katon-Karagay Park in Kazakhstan may become part of UNESCO reserves network Thr Ministry of Environment Protection of Kazakhstan is going to submit an application to include the Katon-Karagay National Park into the UNESCO list of world heritage sites.
12 июля 2013
Kazakhstan suggests refilling Ural river from Volga waters Kazakhstan Environmental Protection Ministry has suggested to refill the Ural river with Volga waters
12 июля 2013
Ivory Coast turns to brute force to save forests It was a brutal end to a long-term problem. Faced with the dilemma of trying to save a protected forest, which had become home to thousands of people, the Ivory Coast government turned to force.
12 июля 2013

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