Irtysh River problems may cause water shortages in Kazakhstan and Russia Kazakhstan and Russia may shortly face serious water shortages because of the deterioration of the situation around the Irtysh River.
10 сентября 2013
Monster volcano is one of the biggest in Solar System Geologists on Thursday announced they had uncovered a stupendous volcano that is the biggest in the world and rivals the greatest in the Solar System.
07 сентября 2013
Hunting season kicks off in Kazakhstan The autumn season of waterfowl, hoofed mammals and predators hunting starts in Kazakhstan on September 7.
06 сентября 2013
Kazakhstan may face food deficit by 2050 The climate changes in Central Asian countries may have a significant effect of the region’s food security: WHO.
06 сентября 2013
Tiny rainforest frogs hear with their mouths Some of the tiniest frogs on Earth have no middle ears or eardrums but can hear by using their mouths.
03 сентября 2013
'Oldest' Gondwana land creature discovered A 350-million-year-old fossilised scorpion discovered in South Africa is the oldest known land animal to have lived on Gondwana, part of Earth's former supercontinent.
03 сентября 2013
EU climate chief says Pacific threat shows action needed The threat that climate change poses to Pacific Island nations shows that international action on the issue is overdue.
03 сентября 2013
Crop pests moving polewards through global warming Crop-damaging insects, bacteria, fungus and viruses are moving poleward by nearly three kilometres (two miles) each year, helped by global warming.
02 сентября 2013
Indian Ocean paradise island beset by shark controversy The dangers of shark attacks are no secret for Georges, who as a kid was repeatedly warned to beware of the large predators lurking in the tropical waters off his native Reunion island.
29 августа 2013
Measles-like virus blamed for Atlantic dolphin deaths A virus that is similar to measles in humans is suspected of killing hundreds of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins since July.
28 августа 2013
London, a playground for 10,000 urban foxes To some they are a nuisance, even a danger. To others, London's 10,000 foxes are a delightful reminder that this concrete wilderness is teeming with wildlife.
27 августа 2013
One million cockroaches flee China farm: report At least one million cockroaches have escaped a farm in China where they were being bred for use in traditional medicine.
26 августа 2013
Science points to a new global warming source: the sea Oceans that grow more acidic through Man's fossil fuel burning emissions, can amplify global warming by releasing less of a gas that helps shield Earth from radiation.
26 августа 2013
Greenpeace protests Shell Arctic drilling at Belgian GP Greenpeace activists paraglided to the top of the main stand of the Belgian Grand Prix on Sunday to protest against drilling in the Arctic by the race's main sponsor, the Shell oil giant.
26 августа 2013
Baby panda is born at US zoo, but who's the daddy? A giant panda gave birth to a cub at the US National Zoo on Friday, raising hopes for a rare success after a series of false pregnancies and a death.
24 августа 2013
US to send 18 tons of nuclear wastes to Kazakhstan from Japan The US are going to transfer more than 18 tons of nuclear wastes of American-origin from Japan over to Kazakhstan for processing them into fuel for nuclear power stations.
23 августа 2013
Human activity driving climate change: leaked report Human activity is almost certainly the cause of climate change and global sea levels could rise by several feet by the end of the century.
21 августа 2013
Jumpy caterpillar shies the Sun: study The larva of a Vietnamese moth has devised a unique form of transport -- constructing a leaf cone and thrashing about inside to make it jump.
21 августа 2013
Rising deforestation sparks concern in Brazil Amazon Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is on the rise sharply, sparking alarm over the future of the world's biggest rainforest.
21 августа 2013
New Zealand volcano lets off steam A volcano off New Zealand sent a plume of steam two kilometres (1.24 miles) into the air Tuesday, although volcanologists described the eruption as small and said it was over in minutes.
20 августа 2013

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