'Chemical attack' descends upon AtyrauExcess hydrogen sulfide emissions in Atyrau in western Kazakhstan cause headaches and suffocation among residents.
Kazakhstan energy experts call GHG emission quotas populismUrazalinov believes that these plans are a threat to Kazakhstan coal-fueled energy and that their implementation is likely to undermine achievement of the goals that the Kazakhstan economy is supposed to reach before 2030.
Science points to a new global warming source: the seaOceans that grow more acidic through Man's fossil fuel burning emissions, can amplify global warming by releasing less of a gas that helps shield Earth from radiation.
Kazakhstan and U.S. agree to cooperate in reduction of emissionsA memorandum of understanding on cooperation in expansion of capacities for development of an emissions reduction strategy has been signed between Kazakhstan Ministry of Environmental protection and the U.S. Government.
China 'will not accept' carbon tax on EU flights: report China will not pay for CO2 emissions by its airlines on flights within Europe, a top civil aviation official reportedly said after the European Commission warned eight Chinese firms face fines for nonpayment.