Fukushima fuel cooling system stops again:TEPCO
One of the systems keeping spent atomic fuel cool at the Fukushima nuclear plant temporarily failed on Friday, the second outage in a matter of weeks, underlining the precarious fix at the plant.
Japan scientists can 'read' dreams: study
Scientists in Japan said Friday they had found a way to "read" people's dreams, using MRI scanners to unlock some of the secrets of the unconscious mind.
05 April 2013
Facebook stakes out Android 'home' to battle rivals
Facebook unveiled a software suite Thursday that stakes out a "home" on Android smartphones as it steps up its challenge to Apple and Google in the booming mobile market.
05 April 2013
Vintage website seen as glimpse at teenage Zuckerberg
A website thought to be the handiwork of Mark Zuckerberg at the age of 15 resurfaced on the Internet on Thursday, providing a glimpse into the early days of the famed Facebook co-founder.
YouTube announces shutdown in April Fool's prank In an elaborate April Fool's prank, YouTube announced Sunday it was going dark for a decade, and that the site was merely an eight-year contest to find the best video.
01 April 2013
'Facebook phone' may ring true April 4 Facebook fueled fresh talk Friday about its own mobile phone after the leading social network scheduled a press announcement for next week.