Hacker group Anonymous downs US government site
Hacker group Anonymous said it disabled the US Sentencing Commission's website Saturday in revenge for the death of Internet freedom advocate Aaron Swartz, and vowed to release government data.
27 January 2013
World's biggest nuke plant may shut: Japan report
The largest nuclear power plant in the world may be forced to shut down under tightened rules proposed by Japan's new nuclear watchdog aimed at safeguarding against earthquakes.
27 January 2013
Web inventor says governments stifling net freedom
The inventor of the World Wide Web warned Friday that government control is limiting the possibilities of the Internet, as dozens of countries and businesses signed a cybersecurity deal at the Davos forum.
26 January 2013
US braces for 'six strikes' anti-piracy program
A new voluntary system aimed at rooting out online copyright piracy using a controversial "six strikes" system is set to be implemented by US Internet providers soon, with the impact unclear.
South Korean rocket launch set for Jan 30
South Korea confirmed Thursday that it will make another bid on January 30 to put a satellite in orbit and join an elite club of global space powers that includes China, Japan and India.
'Gangnam Style' earns $8 mn for YouTube: GoogleGoogle said Tuesday that the YouTube page showcasing the "Gangnam Style" video by South Korean rapper Psy has reaped more than $8 million in ad revenue.
Kazakhstan to produce Russian dronesAir surveillance and monitoring complexes with Sunkar-2 drones built under license in Kazakhstan may begin service in Kazakhstan’s army.
US scientists find evidence of ancient Martian lake A US spacecraft orbiting Mars has provided evidence of an ancient crater lake fed by groundwater, adding further support to theories that the Red Planet may once have hosted life.