site.news_by_theme Kazakh

Photo courtesy of witnesses Man killed in petrol truck explosion in Atyrau A man has been killed in an explosion of a petrol truck in Atyrau in Kazakhstan's west.
25 января 2016
©Turar Kazangapov Tenge slides 100% in 5 months; what next for Kazakhstan? Amid falling oil prices and tenge exchange rate fluctuations, experts are wary to predict Kazakhstan's future.
22 января 2016
©Turar Kazangapov Kazakh President Nazarbayev approves dissolution of Majilis After consulting with Speakers of both chambers of the Parliament and Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev dissolved the Majilis.
22 января 2016
© Interest rates on deposits in tenge raised in Kazakhstan In efforts to contain inflation and de-dollarize the economy, National Bank of Kazakhstan raises interest rates on deposits in tenge.
21 января 2016
Kazakh Central Bank governor Daniyar Akishev © Kazakh central bank governor shares de-dollarization plans The Governor of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Daniyar Akishev commented on the plan to de-dollarize the Kazakh economy.
20 января 2016
Kazakhstan's Foreign Ministry comments on Iran-Saudi crisis The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan calls the leaders of both countries to cooperate to resolve the crisis.
20 января 2016
Film Director Emir Baigazin at his Photo Exhibition in Lugano. Photo courtesy of Emir Baigazin Emir Baigazin's The Wounded Angel selected for Berlinale The Wounded Angel by Kazakh film director Emir Baigazin selected for the Official Program of the Berlin International Film Festival.
20 января 2016
President Nazarbayev (C) at the meeting with Senate Speaker Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev (K) and Prime-Minister Karim Massimov (R) © Kazakhstan on the verge of dissolving Parliament Kazakh MPs' proposal to dissolve the Majilis (Lower Chamber) and call for snap elections awaits approval of President Nazarbayev.
20 января 2016
Kazakhstan to beef up doping control ahead of Rio Olympics The head of Kazakhstan's national anti-doping centre has pledged to crack down on drug cheats ahead of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
18 января 2016
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan condemns North Korea's nuclear test Kazakhstan denounced North Korea’s test of hydrogen bomb and violation of UN Security Council’s nonproliferation resolutions.
06 января 2016
©Tengrinews Inflation in Kazakhstan makes 13.6% in 2015 Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan released official inflation rate data: 13.6% in 2015 in Kazakhstan.
05 января 2016
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Blizzard in Astana: flights and train delayed, Christmas trees and cars damaged Warm weather and rains have given way to winds and blizzards in Astana.
29 декабря 2015
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev meets military commanders. Photo courtesy of Nazarbayev advises Kazakh army to 'keep powder dry' Wars are no longer the same they used to be. Now they are hybrids of economic, political, informational, internal and other wars, and the army has to adjust to the new specifics: Nursultan Nazarbayev.
29 декабря 2015
Iran ships uranium to Russia under nuclear deal Iran sent a major shipment of low-enriched uranium materials to Russia to implement nuclear accord with world powers.
29 декабря 2015
©Tengrinews Kazakhstan National Bank explains tenge depreciation and equilibrium rate Kazakh National Bank Governor Akishev talks about mechanisms behind depreciation of the tenge and central bank’s role in shaping Kazakhstan
28 декабря 2015
©Turar Kazangapov Inflation in Kazakhstan nears 13%, central bank admits Inflation in Kazakhstan reached 12.8% in the end of November. National Bank's Akishev names tenge depreciation the main driver.
28 декабря 2015
©Turar Kazangapov Kazakhstan should enhance protection of nuclear facilities from ISIS: expert According to Senior Research Fellow at the Kazakhstani Institute of Strategic Studies Dauren Aben, Kazakhstan needs to increase security at its nuclear facilities to safeguard them from the ISIS.
25 декабря 2015
© Kazakhstan to introduce visa free entry for developed countries Kazakhstan plans to simplify visa procedures for 34 OECD countries, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Singapore and Monaco.
25 декабря 2015
Jim Rogers. Photo courtesy of American billionaire Jim Rogers considers investing in Kazakhstan American billionaire Jim Rogers is thinking about investing in Kazakhstan, a country he visited in October.
27 ноября 2015
© Use of GMOs debated in Kazakh Senate Senator Ahan Bizhanov has called Kazakhstan to forgo the use of genetically modified products.
27 ноября 2015

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