As Mexicans mark Day of the Dead, some no longer believe
Isaac Carrasco and his two daughters dutifully adorned the graves of several relatives with beds of marigolds and crosses made of red flowers for Mexico's Day of the Dead.
Kazakhstan militarymen will study in China
Academic teaching staff of Chinese National University of National Defense visited Kazakhstan.
Boozy birds pay the price for flying high
A bizarre spate of young blackbird deaths at a school in England was likely caused by the feathered teens getting drunk on fermented berries, crashing mid-air and falling from the sky, vets said Saturday.
New fight needed against killer malaria in Asia
Asia accounts for 88 percent of all malaria cases and most of the 46,000 annual deaths occurring outside Africa, a new report shows Friday as experts demand more urgency in fighting the deadly disease..
Israelis aim to 'fix world' with custom cannabis
At the end of an unpaved road, in a quiet suburb of a sleepy town in northern Israel, horticultural revolutionaries are growing a strain of cannabis.
Outrage as Antarctic ocean sanctuary talks end in failure
Conservation groups expressed outrage Friday after resistance led by China and Russia stymied efforts to carve out new marine sanctuaries and protect thousands of species across Antarctica.
British ministry rattled by £10,000 bill to stuff snake
Britain's foreign ministry has come under fire after it emerged that it paid £10,000 to re-stuff a giant anaconda named Albert.
Meet Mr Happy: French geneticist turned Tibetan monk
As he grins serenely and his burgundy robes billow in the fresh Himalayan wind, it is not difficult to see why scientists declared Matthieu Ricard the happiest man they had ever tested.
New three-fingered frog discovered in southern Brazil
On a trek across this Atlantic rainforest reserve in southern Brazil, biologist Michel Garey recalled how on his birthday in 2007 he chanced upon what turned out to be a new species of tiny, three-fingered frogs.