Kalachi - Kazakhstani village where sleep is nightmareKazakhstani village of Kalachi was hit by a mysterious disease, which puts unsuspecting victims to sleep anywhere and anytime. The causes are yet unknown. One thing is clear though: many wish to run away before the disease takes hold of them too.
17 January 2015
'Cherry tree from space' mystery baffles JapanA cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.
11 April 2014
Mysterious pentagram appears in AktauA new Google maps mystery has appeared to rack our brains. A five-pointed star or a mysterious pentagram is 200 meters in diameter and is situated somewhere near Aktau and Akshukur village.
25 December 2013
Aide to Japanese PM returns from North Korea An aide to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe returned home from a trip to North Korea on Saturday but declined to shed any light on the reason for his mysterious visit.
18 May 2013
The known unknowns of Kim Jong-Un Much like his father Kim Jong-Il, North Korea's new young leader Kim Jong-Un is viewed by much of the outside world with a heady mix of incomprehension, ridicule and fear.
05 April 2013
Mystery gold gifts for tsunami-wracked Japan port A Japanese city devastated by the 2011 tsunami has received anonymous gifts of gold worth more than $250,000 in a phenomenon dubbed a "goodwill gold rush" ahead of the second anniversary of the disaster.
Missing Pacific island riddle solved: researcher A New Zealand researcher Monday claimed to have solved the riddle of a mystery South Pacific island shown on Google Earth and world maps which does not exist, blaming a whaling ship from 1876.
03 December 2012
Arafat exhumation hopes to quell poison quandary One of the Middle East's greatest political mysteries will come a step closer to being solved on Tuesday when scientists exhume iconic Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's remains to see if he was poisoned.
26 November 2012
Aussie scientists un-discover Pacific island A South Pacific island identified on Google Earth and world maps does not exist, according to Australian scientists who went searching for the mystery landmass during a geological expedition.
22 November 2012
Revealed: How sea lions make mega-dives Scientists in California have shed light on a marine mystery: how diving mammals can hunt for food at great depths without getting the "bends".
20 September 2012
VIDEO: Bloggers explore Almaty subway Almaty bloggers have organized a flash mob in Almaty subway to present alternative creative concepts of the Almaty subway.