site.news_by_theme Kazakhstan

Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan civil aviation is mulling airships Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and ballooner called Kazakhstan's civil aviation to employ airships.
20 July 2011
Yerzhan Kazykhanov. Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© Kazakhstan invites PM of the UK to pay first ever official visit to Kazakhstan UK's Foreign Secretary William Hague confirmed that the UK would be attending the Forum for Nuclear-Free World to be held in Astana in October.
20 July 2011
Arthur Ardavichus. Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© Arthur Ardavichus: Everything is ready for Dakar Pilot of Kazakhstan team Astana in trucks category talked about the results of his participation in the Silk Way Rally and made forecasts about the coming Dakar race.
19 July 2011
Photo by Maksut Zhumayev© Bad weather might bar the expedition to K2 from reaching 7,100m Participants of the international expedition to Chogori reached the first camp at K2. Firther ascend might be suspended because of bad weather.
19 July 2011
Astana police revealed over 200 adepts of religious extremism Astana police held a special operation to discover adepts of religious extremism.
19 July 2011
Karim Massimov. © Karim Massimov earns $228 a day The salary of Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Karim Massimov is three times less than that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.
19 July 2011 stock photo Kazakhstan and USA to discuss visas, citizenship and adoption Kazakhstan-American consular consultations start in Washington July 18 and will last until July 20.
19 July 2011
Karim Massimov. Photo courtesy of Massimov met with heads of space agencies of Russia and Kazakhstan Karim Massimov met with Head of Russian Federal Space Agency and Chairman of Kazakhstan National Space Agency.
19 July 2011
Photo courtesy of Investments into creation of KazSat-2 to be recouped in 4 years Consequently, in summer 2015 it will start filling the state coffers: Meirbek Moldabekov, Vice Chairman of the Kazakhstan Space Agency.
19 July 2011
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Photo courtesy of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University tagged the best university of the year Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Education Quality made a list of the best universities of Kazakhstan.
19 July 2011
Miroslav Jenca. Photo courtesy of UNRCCA. Head of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) to visit Kazakhstan Miroslav Jenca is to discuss prospects of cooperation between the UN Organization and Kazakhstan and a raft of issues of international significance: Foreign Ministry.
19 July 2011
Maksut Zhumayev and Vassiliy Pivtsov at the foot of K2. Photo ©M.Zhumayev International expedition preparing for third advancement to K2 Participants of the international expedition to K2 are preparing for the third ascent to Chogori mount to set a camp at 7,100-7,400 meters.
18 July 2011
©RIA Novosti Kazakhstan alpinists to take part in CIS Championship in Tajikistan The first CIS Alpinism Championship started in Tajikistan. It will last for 12 days.
18 July 2011
Heroin. Photo courtesy of Removal of borders in CU to increase flow of heroin to Russia through Kazakhstan Russian Federal Drug Control Service is concerned that flow of heroin to Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus might intensify in the nearest time.
18 July 2011
First camp (5,300 meters). Photo ©M.Zhumayev Participants of expedition to K2 told about their menu Kazakhstan alpinist Maksut Zhumayev told about the sportsmen's menu on the way to the second camp.
18 July 2011
Danny Donovan. Photo from Denyakin's friend is receiving threats in US for giving details of the murder I have been threatened by certain people involved in this case: Danny Donovan.
18 July 2011
Medvedev signed a law to cooperate with Kazakhstan in oil deliveries President of Russia signed several laws regulating cooperation with Kazakhstan within the Common Economic Space.
18 July 2011
Photo courtesy of Air Astana to launch flights to Hong Kong The number of passengers in the H1 2011 grew 18.7% as compared to the like period of 2010, making up 1.35 million people.
18 July 2011
Baikonur cosmodrome. Stock photo of Russia planning modernization at Baikonur Another launch facility is going to be constructed for Soyuz-2 launch vehicles: Roscosmos Head Vladimir Popovkin.
18 July 2011
Photo courtesy of Bolashak bursaries will still be available to postgraduate students seeking a Master degree We have 77 professional directions to further finance within the Program: Sayasat Nurbek, Director of the Center for International Programs.
18 July 2011

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