7-y.o. Kazakhstan chess-player wants to become 4th grade pupil
Bibisara Assaubayeva, a new chess world champion is ready to become a 4th grade pupil (skipping the previous 2 grades).
Ilyin and Chinshanlo to get $15000 each for World Championship victories
Kazakh weight-lifters Ilya Ilyin and Zulfiya Chinshanlo, winners of the world championship, will get $15000 each from the government.
Nazarbayev and Massimov congratulated 11-y.o. Kazkah 4-time chess champion
Nursultan Nazarbayev sent a telegram to 11-y.o. Kazkahstan chess player Zhansaya Abdumalik, who won World Chess Championship in Brazil.
Football with British players’ autographs to be auctioned in Almaty
Kazakhstan volunteer organizations will run a charitable auction on December 5, on the International Volunteer Day.
Sylvester Stallone's instructor to fight for gold in Almaty Arm-Wrestling Championship
Roy Alfred Clement, Sylvester Stallone's instructor in the Over the Top film will fight for gold in Almaty Arm-Wrestling Championship.
Kazakh boxer Gennady Golovkin will defend his champion's title on December 10
Kazakhstan boxer Gennady Golovkin will defend his WBA champion's title on December 10 in Dusseldorf, Germany.
11-y.o. Kazakh became four times world chess champion
Kazakhstan chess-player won gold at the chess tournament held in Brazil and became the world champion for the fourth time.
Kazakhstan sportsmen won 20 gold medals in the Jujitsu World Championship in Peru
Kazakhstan fighters won 20 gold medals in the Jujitsu Worlds. The Federation is striving to get sponsor's and government support.
Kazakhstan gamers to fight for $500 000
The best cyber-sportsmen of Almaty will take part in World Cyber Games-2011 Championship that will be held on November 27.