New health threats for China as it grows richer: Lancet
The Chinese are increasingly facing diseases of affluence such as cancer, according to a study to be published Saturday in a leading medical journal, with threats to health including diet, pollution and city living.
08 June 2013
More than 9m in China with dementia
Around 9.19 million people in China had dementia in 2010, compared with 3.68 million 20 years earlier, according to a study on Friday that throws a spotlight on an emerging health crisis.
07 June 2013
US panel wants diabetes drug restrictions eased
Independent experts urged US regulators Thursday to reduce restrictions on GlaxoSmithKline's controversial diabetes drug Avandia, banned in Europe over heart attack risk concerns.
07 June 2013
US girl needing lung put on transplant list
A US judge ordered Wednesday that a dying 10-year-old be transferred to an adult waiting list for a lung transplant, said a lawmaker who has been lobbying for the girl.
China premier vows baby formula safety checks
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has called for strict monitoring of milk powder production, vowing to crack down on safety violators in a bid to regain public trust after a series of food safety scares in recent years.
Vaccine hopes for hand, foot, mouth diseaseResearchers in China said Wednesday a trial vaccine provided "significant" protection against a virus that can cause potentially deadly hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in children.
29 May 2013
Think twice about surgery on the weekend: study People who undergo weekend non-emergency surgery in English public hospitals have an 82 percent higher chance of dying within a month than those treated on a Monday.
First 'methadone baby' born in AktobeA man who used to take heroine and replaced it with methadone (a synthetic substitute of heroine) has had a son.
27 May 2013
Obesity weighs down on top soda guzzler Mexico Artemio Martinez balanced his corpulent frame on a stool in a Mexico City street taco stand, downing a sweet soda and eating a final pork-filled corn tortilla.
24 May 2013
Experts favor US approval of Merck sleeping pill An independent panel of experts on Wednesday recommended US approval of a new Merck sleeping pill called suvorexant, but expressed concerns over the highest dosage and risks of drowsy daytime driving.