2,000 extra steps a day cuts cardiovascular risk by 8 percentPeople with a glucose-tolerance problem -- a driver of diabetes and cardiovascular disease -- can cut the risk of heart attack or stroke by simply walking an additional 2,000 steps per day, a study said on Friday.
20 December 2013
US lifts restrictions on anti-diabetes drug AvandiaUS authorities on Monday lifted restrictions on the prescription of diabetes drug Avandia after a new study indicated it did not carry an elevated risk of heart attacks.
26 November 2013
Diabetes rises in China, reaching 'alert' levelAlmost 12 percent of adults in China had diabetes in 2010, with economic prosperity driving the disease to slightly higher proportions than in the United States.
US panel wants diabetes drug restrictions eased Independent experts urged US regulators Thursday to reduce restrictions on GlaxoSmithKline's controversial diabetes drug Avandia, banned in Europe over heart attack risk concerns.
Insulin breakthrough could see end to needles Breakthrough Australian research mapping how insulin works at a molecular level could open the door to novel new diabetes treatments, ending daily needle jabs for millions.
US sees dramatic rise in diabetes rates: study The United States saw a dramatic rise in the number of adults suffering from diabetes between 1995 and 2010, according to official statistics.