site.news_by_theme Chogori

Maksut Zhumayev. ©National Geographic\Darek Zaliski MP suggested to grant state decoration to Kazakh alpinist Maksut Zhumayev Maksut Zhumayev is the only one of all the prominent Kazakhstan alpinists who doesn’t have any state awards: Deputy.
13 October 2011 flag on the top of K2. Photo courtesy of Maksut Zhumayev Alpinists almost lost proof of the ascent during the trip back from K2 Kazakhstan alpinist Maksut Zhumayev told the breath-taking details of the last days of the expedition to K2.
08 September 2011
Ralf Dujmovits and Maksut Zhumayev with son. Photo by Dmitry Dubovitskiy© Kazakhstan alpinists back home after the expedition to K2 International team of alpinists who ascended the morthern face of K2 mount on August 23 arrived in Almaty.
06 September 2011
Maksut Zhumayev and Vassiliy Pivtsov on top of K2. ©National Geographic\Maxut Zhumayev International expedition to K2 to arrive in Almaty on September 2 International expedition that ascended K2 on August 23 will arrive in Almaty on September 2 at 8:30 p.m. local time.
01 September 2011
©National Geographic\Ralf Dujmovits International expedition to K2 successfully went down to 8,000 meters Participants of the international expedition to K2 successfully went down to the fourth camp at 8,000 meters.
24 August 2011
Karim Massimov. stock photo Massimov congratulated participants of expedition on ascending K2 Kazakhstan Prime-Minister congratulated participants of the international expedition on the successful ascent to K2 (Chogori) 8-thousander.
24 August 2011
©Maksut Zhumayev International expedition reached the top of K2 International expedition led by Kazakhstan alpinist Maksut Zhumayev reached the top of K2.
23 August 2011
Expedition to K2. ©National Geographic\Ralf Dujmovits Expedition to K2 reached the fourth camp Participants of the expedition to K2 reached the fourth camp at 8,000 meters. After ascending the K2 Gerlinda Kaltenbrunner will become the first women in the world to ascend all 14 8-thousanders without oxygen.
22 August 2011
Maksut Zhumayev's photo Four members of K2 expedition reached the third camp Four participants of the international expedition to K2, also known as Chogori, have reached the third camp at the height of 7100 meters, in spite of the snow and strong wind.
21 August 2011
©National Geographic/Ralf Dujmovits Expedition to K2 reached the second camp Only four out of six climbers are continueing their way to the top. They are expecting the good weather to hold on.
20 August 2011
K2. ©National Geographic\Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner Expedition to K2 made it to intermediate camp Despite of the snow four participants of the international expedition to K2 have got to the intermediate camp at 6,100 meters.
19 August 2011
K2 ©National Geographic\Darek Zaluski International expedition started the final ascent to K2 Today, August 16, the alpinists reached the first camp at 5,300 meters.
17 August 2011
Maksut Zhumayev. ©National Geographic/Darek Zaluski Participants of K2 expedition are now illegal imigrants Chinese and Kyrgyz visas of participants of the expedition to K2 have expired. This makes further attempts to ascend Chogori formally illegal.
17 August 2011
Expedition to K2. ©National Georraphic/Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner Expedition to K2 divided into 2 groups because of bad weather Participants of expedition to K2 have divided into two groups and are waiting for a better weather in Italian and Chinese camps.
15 August 2011
K2 mount. Photo courtesy of Maksut Zhumayev Expedition to K2 will start the final ascent not earlier than August 16 The alpinists will spend the next few days in the Chinese base camp at 3,800 meters because of a strong wind.
13 August 2011
Maksut Zhumayev's team at the table. ©National Geographic\Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner Austrian president supported international expedition to K2 over the phone International expedition to Chogori is having a rest in the base camp and deciding on the timing of their final ascent to the peak.
12 August 2011
Tents of the second camp. Photo courtesy of Maksut Zhumayev Landslide and "alive" rocks did not hinder expedition to K2 from getting to the first camp Participants of international expedition to K2 went down from the second to the first camp despite of a landslide threat and moving rocks.
10 August 2011
Maksut Zhumayev and Vassiliy Pivtsov. Photo courtesy of Maksut Zhumayev International expedition to K2 has set the 4th camp According to Kazakh climber Maksut Zhumayev, the team has set the route to the fourth camp and set the camp. This fulfills the main goal of their fourth acclimatization ascent.
08 August 2011
Maksut Zhumayev and Vassiliy Pivtsov. Photo courtesy of Maksut Zhumayev К2 expedition stoped several hundred meters before the fourth camp Chogori is 8,611 meters high. So to reach the peak the team will have to cover another 811 meters of height.
08 August 2011
Expedition to K2. ©NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC/Ralf Dujmovits International expedition to K2 might challenge the summit before August 9 According to Kazakh alpinist Maksut Zhumayev they’ve received weather forecasts that the weather will be good enough until Tuesday for the final ascent.
07 August 2011

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