Japan to construct nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan January 23,2015 Tengrinews.kz reported that Kazakhstan had started talks with Toshiba, owner of Westinghouse, to construct its first nuclear power plant.
27 October 2015
Catalan parliament opens with pro-independence majority The Catalan regional assembly opened a new session dominated for the first time by a secessionist majority that has vowed to break away from Spain within 18 months.
27 October 2015
Trump: Dad's 'small loan' of $1 million got him started Donald Trump enjoys his reputation as a magnate whose own smarts and business savvy made him a billionaire, but he acknowledged that his father helped him out -- with a "small" million-dollar loan.
27 October 2015
Britain's Cameron defeated over welfare cuts for poor British Prime Minister David Cameron suffered a damaging blow over plans to cut help for low-income working families that drew flak from within his Conservative party.
27 October 2015
Putin, Saudi King seek solution to Syria crisis Russian President Vladimir Putin held phone talks with King Salman of Saudi Arabia focussed on seeking a solution to the Syria crisis, the Kremlin said.
27 October 2015
US presidential candidate Carson in call to ban abortion Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson called for a ban on abortion in nearly all cases, and likened those seeking to terminate their pregnancies to slave owners, in comments certain to spark controversy.
26 October 2015
Australia marks 30 years since Uluru returned to Aboriginal owners Australia marked 30 years since the world's largest monolith Uluru was returned to its traditional Aboriginal owners with the government admitting it has not lived up to commitments made back then.
26 October 2015
EU will 'start falling apart' if no quick action on migrants: Slovenia The European Union will "start falling apart" if it fails to take concrete action to tackle the migrant crisis within the next few weeks.
26 October 2015
Economic migrants use children as 'human shields': Czech leader The Czech president accused economic migrants of using children as "human shields" in their bid to reach Europe, as the continent grapples with its biggest migration crisis since World War II.
26 October 2015
'Eradicating terror' will produce political deal: Syria's Assad Syria needs to eradicate "terrorism" to find a political solution to end the country's war, embattled President Bashar al-Assad told a visiting Russian delegation.
26 October 2015
EU, Balkan leaders struggle to defuse tensions over migrants European Union and Balkan leaders struggled Sunday to reduce tensions over how to tackle the migrant crisis as Slovenia warned the bloc will "start falling apart" if it fails to take concrete action within weeks.
26 October 2015
World would be better place if Saddam, Kadhafi still in power: Trump The world would be a better place if dictators such as Saddam Hussein and Moamer Kadhafi were still in power, top Republican US presidential hopeful Donald Trump said in comments aired.
26 October 2015
LGBT human rights: freedom or infringement in Kazakhstan? Article 19, the UK's human rights organization proposed introducing a concept of an anti-LGBT crime to the Kazakhstani Criminal Code.
24 October 2015
Obama names new envoy for troubled anti-IS campaign President Barack Obama on Friday tapped veteran Iraq expert Brett McGurk to coordinate the troubled US campaign against the Islamic State group.
24 October 2015
Pentagon chief expects more anti-IS raids after captives freed US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said he expected more raids targeting the Islamic State group similar to the mission that freed dozens of captives but left an American commando dead in Iraq.
24 October 2015
Juncker backs Merkel on refugees ahead of EU mini-summit European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker backed Angela Merkel's welcoming stance towards migrants ahead of a mini-summit of leaders this weekend aimed at tackling record arrivals.
24 October 2015
Clinton in campaign command after 'quite a week' It's been a great week for Hillary Clinton.
24 October 2015
Catalan leader defends his government in graft probe Catalonia leader Artur Mas defended his ruling separatist Convergence party against graft allegations after a slew of arrests targeting current and former officials.
24 October 2015
Japan, Turkmenistan sign deals worth $18 bn Japan and Turkmenistan signed a raft of energy and other deals worth more than $18 billion during a Japanese leader's first-ever official visit to the reclusive country.
24 October 2015

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