Tengrinews.kz – Only five countries in the world have a chance of surviving a global catastrophe associated with a decrease in the amount of sunlight, for example, a nuclear winter. This conclusion was made by New Zealand scientists from the University of Otago, according to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta."
In an article published in the journal Risk Analysis, the authors of the study predicted what would happen in the event of a military conflict with the massive use of nuclear weapons.
Nuclear explosions would release about 150 teragrams of soot into the atmosphere, which would lead to a sharp reduction in the number of sunny days. Over the course of several years, this would reduce agricultural production by 80%, which would be fatal for residents of the northern hemisphere. A nuclear winter could last 5-10 years.
Even a local nuclear conflict could lead to global cooling by 1.8 degrees and food shortages around the world. According to researchers, the key factor for survival will be the ability of countries to maintain agricultural production.
According to scientists, in the event of a nuclear catastrophe, some island and peninsular states will still have a chance to survive. Researchers believe that residents of Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands will be able to survive.