Chavez 'fighting' for health post-surgery
Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced Friday that he will lead a government delegation to Cuba to visit President Hugo Chavez who was recovering in Havana following his December 11 cancer surgery.
30 December 2012
Pope turns to Twitter, new allies to battle for faith issues
Pope Benedict XVI has galvanised Catholics at the close of 2012 to go on the offensive over key faith issues, forging new alliances and fighting secularism in the West with a media campaign.
29 December 2012
World's smelliest and largest flower blooms in Brazil
Hundreds of visitors are flocking daily to a botanical garden in southeastern Brazil to watch the rare blooming of the Titan arum, the world's smelliest and largest tropical flower.
29 December 2012
US teachers take up arms to prevent mass shootings
Several US states are considering allowing school teachers to carry weapons, and educators, determined not to allow a repeat of the Newtown massacre, are flocking to training sessions.
29 December 2012
Belgium, France lay claim to fries
Fries, crunchy, salty, tasty fried sticks of potato are claimed by Belgium and France as the product of their national gastronomic genius but the true origins are shrouded in popular folklore.
29 December 2012
STX France lands major luxury liner order
An ailing French shipyard landed a multi-million-dollar contract Thursday as a US cruise company announced it was ordering a massive luxury liner from STX France at Saint Nazaire.
28 December 2012
US paper draws fire after publishing gun database
A New York newspaper has sparked outrage by publishing a detailed map with thousands of names and addresses of gun permit holders in the wake of the Newtown school shooting.
LA gunowners hand in weapons after US school shooting Long lines formed Wednesday as Los Angeles gun owners turned in weapons for up to $200 worth of groceries, in a gun buyback event brought forward after the Connecticut school shooting.
27 December 2012
Massive finback whale beached in New York City A massive whale, some 60 feet (18 meters) long, beached itself on Wednesday morning in New York City, where, despite rescue efforts, it seemed to have little chance of survival.
Bangladesh slaughters 150,000 birds over avian flu Bangladesh's livestock authorities are slaughtering around 150,000 chickens at a giant poultry farm near Dhaka after the worst outbreak of avian flu in five years.
27 December 2012
Russia's brutal early winter claims 123 lives A bitter cold snap in Russia has claimed 123 lives in the past 10 days, an official said Tuesday, with the early freeze testing authorities in a country used to notoriously tough winters.
Steve Jobs' estate pays to free impounded superyacht Steve Jobs' superyacht Venus was free to leave Amsterdam port Monday after the late Apple co-founder's estate paid a deposit to resolve a dispute with designer Philippe Starck, who had had the yacht impounded.
26 December 2012
First Israeli university in West Bank recognised Defence Minister Ehud Barak on Monday confirmed a government decision to officially recognise the status of the first Israeli university established in the occupied West Bank.
26 December 2012
'Lost tribe' members migrate from India to Israel Fifty members of an Indian community believed to be descendants of one of the lost tribes of Israel arrived on Monday in the Jewish state, completing their immigration.
26 December 2012
In Xmas mass, Holy Land patriarch urges peace efforts Addressing the faithful in his Christmas Eve midnight mass in Bethlehem on Tuesday, Latin Patriarch Fuad Twal urged "men of good will" to seek peace amid "the sufferings in the Middle East."