Pavel Durov promised to improve moderation in Telegram - The founder of the popular messaging app promised to move moderation in Telegram "from an area of criticism into one of praise".
Irina Bolgar told about Pavel Durov's plans to move their family to Paris - Telegram CEO Pavel Durov considered the possibility of relocating Irina Bolgar and their children to Paris in 2018, according
Gates Foundation grants go to 'rich nation NGOs'
The bulk of the roughly 3 billion dollars given by the Gates Foundation to foster agriculture in poor countries has been given to aid groups based in rich nations.
WikiLeaks' Assange 'confident' ahead of Sweden ruling
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said he was "confident" his asylum status will be resolved, as he awaits an imminent ruling on his case by a Swedish court.
Family of slain US reporter launches foundation
The family of James Foley, the US reporter murdered by Islamist militants in Syria, launched a foundation in his name to support kidnap victims.
Web founder calls for Internet bill of rights
A bill of rights should be created to govern the Internet in the wake of revelations about the depth of government surveillance.
Playboy founder Hefner marries for third time at 86
Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner has tied the knot for the third time, marrying a former Playmate 60 years his junior in an intimate New Year's Eve ceremony at the Playboy Mansion.
Anti-virus legend McAfee wanted for murder in Belize
John McAfee, founder of the eponymous anti-virus company, is on the run for killing another US citizen in a resort town.