China bird flu 'devastates' poultry business: group
China's deadly bird flu outbreak has dealt a "devastating" blow to the nation's poultry sector, an industry group said Tuesday, with sales reportedly plunging amid concerns over food safety.
09 April 2013
China bird flu not spreading between people: WHO
There is no proof that the H7N9 bird flu virus is being transmitted between people in China, the World Health Organization said Monday, despite several members of a family falling ill in Shanghai.
08 April 2013
Shanghai stops poultry trade on bird flu fears
Shanghai's live poultry markets were shut on Saturday after authorities banned trading in birds to prevent the spread of H7N9 bird flu, which has killed six people in China.
US health authorities announce bird flu vaccine effort
US health authorities said Thursday they are liaising with domestic and international partners to develop a vaccine for the H7N9 bird flu virus that has killed five people in China.
Eating fish linked to longer life: US study People age 65 and older who eat fish may live an average of two years longer than people who do not consume the omega-3 fatty acids found mainly in seafood.
Gates says world must push to finally eradicate polio Bill Gates said Tuesday that the world must commit to wiping out the remaining cases of polio and finally eradicate the disease despite squeezed aid budgets and violence plaguing vaccination efforts.
27 March 2013
Health gap in Europe wider than ever Life expectancy in Russia has marked time since the collapse of the Soviet Union but risen in its former eastern-bloc allies.
27 March 2013
Young girl's 'cure' signals new path against cancer Emily Whitehead is kind of a big deal. At age seven, she is the only child to have beaten back leukemia with the help of a new treatment that turned her own immune cells into targeted cancer killers.
26 March 2013
Scientists unravel genetic code of oesophageal cancer Scientists said Sunday they had found mutations in 26 genes that may cause oesophageal cancer, a breakthrough they hope will lead to new drugs for the deadly and increasingly frequent disease.
Study proves caffeine helps prevent road crash risk Research among long-distance commercial drivers in Australia has given weight to those who say coffee, tea or caffeine energy drinks or tablets help prevent dangerous drowsiness at the wheel.
Skimmed milk ineffective against toddler obesity Giving your toddler skimmed or semi-skimmed milk is unlikely to make inroads against the risk of obesity, a large study conducted among American children has found.