Obama, Aldrin praise 'American hero' Neil Armstrong
President Barack Obama and astronaut Buzz Aldrin led tributes Saturday to the famed Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, lauding him as a reluctant but true American hero.
Superstition thrives in modern Singapore
Whenever Christina Tang is overseas and returns to her hotel room, she always knocks on the door before entering even if she is the only occupant.
British press torn on naked Harry snaps
Britain's press thrashed out Saturday whether The Sun newspaper had done the right thing by eventually publishing pictures of a naked Prince Harry cavorting with similarly-clad women in Las Vegas.
25 August 2012
US sees record spike in West Nile virus cases
The US is experiencing the worst outbreak of West Nile virus since the mosquito-borne disease was first detected in 1999, health officials said Wednesday.
1.5 million child laborers in Colombia: study
Nearly 1.5 million children aged between five and 17 were working in Colombia during the third quarter of 2011, driving the child labor rate up to 13 percent.
24 August 2012
6 dead in Quebec Legionnaire's disease outbreak Legionnaire's disease, which hit Quebec in mid-July, has infected 65 people and killed six, health authorities of the French-speaking Canadian province said.
Syphilis scare prompts call to halt US porn shoots Reports of several cases of syphilis among porn actors in California has prompted a trade group to call for a temporary halt to shooting in the lucrative US adult film industry.
23 August 2012
Newspapers warned over Prince Harry nude photos The British royal family on Wednesday warned the country's newspapers not to publish nude photographs of Prince Harry cavorting with friends on holiday in Las Vegas.
23 August 2012
Abortion seekers 'seven times' more likely to be abused Women seeking an abortion are seven times more likely to report physical or sexual abuse at the hands of their partners than the US national average for domestic violence, a study published Monday found.
22 August 2012
Fewer circumcisions could cost the US billions: study As debate rages over the ethics of infant circumcision, a study published Monday said falling rates of the once-routine procedure in the United States could cost billions of dollars in health costs.
Caspian map requires time and moneyThe final result that we want is a topographic map of the shelf and bottom of Kazakhstan sector in 1:25,000 scale: expert.