site.news_by_theme technology

©Reuters/Daniel Munoz Dolphins inspire rescue radar device: study British engineers said Wednesday they had taken inspiration from dolphins for a new type of radar device that could easily track miners trapped underground or skiers buried in an avalanche.
24 October 2013
Margulan Yessenzhol. © Student from Karaganda assembles his own nanosatellite Margulan Yessenzhol, a high school student from Karaganda in central Kazakhstan, has assembled his own nanosatellite.
24 October 2013
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. ©Marat Abilov Kazakhstan President calls people to learn English and eye Chinese and Russian for future President Nazarbayev has called Kazakhstan to follow the example of India, Singapore and Malaysia and develop three languages - Kazakh, Russian and English.
21 October 2013
©REUTERS/Yuya Shino Apple polishes fashion credentials with new hires Fashion and technology may not be so different after all, if one looks at the hiring strategy from iPhone maker Apple.
17 October 2013
©Reuters/Edgar Su US Army seeks 'Iron Man' armor for commandos US Army researchers are working on building hi-tech body armor that would give soldiers "superhuman strength" in a real-life version of the suit featured in "Iron Man" films.
13 October 2013
Toyota unveils cars with auto pilot Toyota on Friday unveiled the next generation of cars featuring an auto pilot system that will swerve to avoid collisions and also keep to the middle of the road, all without drivers touching the wheel.
11 October 2013
Internet technology becoming cyber chic Models wearing Google Glass eyewear, Pebble smartwatches and other hot gadgets strutted a catwalk late Monday as Internet technology continued to merge with the world of fashion.
03 October 2013
Photo courtsy of the press-service of Kazakhstan Ministry of Education and Science Science ministers of Kazakhstan and China discuss cooperation Kazakhstan Minister of Education and Science Aslan Sarinzhipov and Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang discussed prospects of scientific and technical cooperation.
11 September 2013
©REUTERS/Eric Miller Risk calculator boosts odds of finding lung cancer A new software tool may help doctors eliminate mistakes when judging whether a spot that turns up on a smoker's lung scan is cancerous or not.
06 September 2013
A smartphone that's a sight for sore eyes in Kenya Simon Kamau, 26, has been in almost constant pain since he was a playful three-year-old and accidentally pierced his eye with a sharp object, but smartphone technology now offers hope.
04 September 2013
©REUTERS/Nicky Loh Hon Hai sells 'wearable computing' patent to Google Taiwan's Hon Hai group has sold part of its patent portfolio involving wearable computing to US technology giant Google.
24 August 2013
Buktukov's wind generator - 6. Photo courtesy of Researcher suggests new wind generators for Kazakhstan A scientist has invented a new wind generator specially for Kazakhstan weather conditions.
19 August 2013
Death of letters spells tough time for biographers, says royal writer The slow death of handwriting might be a boon for email-reading intelligence agencies but not for biographers, says the man entrusted by Queen Elizabeth II to write the biography of her mother.
28 July 2013
Mobile chip giant sees smartphone surprises ahead Leading mobile phone chip maker Qualcomm said Thursday that the next generation of smartphones will take another stride forward as the company reported robust quarterly earnings.
26 July 2013
Photo courtesy of 'Intelligent' knife can tell tumor from healthy tissue A new kind of surgical knife can tell cancerous from healthy tissue in seconds and may help improve tumor removal in the operating room.
19 July 2013
Human-powered helicopter wins US prize A Canadian-built helicopter that is powered by a human riding a bicycle has become the first winner of a decades-old $250,000 engineering prize.
13 July 2013
Dolby helps 'Pacific Rim' thrill ears as well as eyes Dolby sound specialists have given director Guillermo del Toro a way to put movie goers into the thick of battles between giant robots and fearsome monsters in "Pacific Rim."
13 July 2013
New technique finetunes quest for life on other worlds European astronomers said on Friday they had devised a technique to detect water in the atmosphere of planets orbiting other stars.
05 July 2013
©RIA NOVOSTI Gazprom abandons arctic gas project for now Russia's energy giant Gazprom said on Thursday it was giving up development of the Shtokman natural gas field under the arctic Barents Sea until new technology made the project viable.
28 June 2013
Photo courtesy of High-tech tombstones let loved ones live on, virtually Rick Miller kneels in front of a grave and uses his cell phone to scan a small barcode on a tombstone. Within seconds, he's looking at photos and videos of a lost loved one.
26 June 2013

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