Unification Church founder Moon dies at 92 Sun Myung Moon, the self-styled messiah from South Korea who founded the controversial Unification Church and a business empire with interests spanning cars to sushi, died Monday at the age of 92.
03 September 2012
Feasts and fireworks as Muslims in Asia mark Eid Millions of Muslims across Asia began celebrating the Eid al-Fitr holiday on Sunday, with a month of fasting giving way to feasting, family reunions and raucous festivities.
20 August 2012
Islam is massively inculcated in Kazakhstan: YertysbayevIt is wrong to speak of an Islamic renaissance in Kazakhstan: President's Advisor Yertysbayev. Speaking of Kazakhstan opposition he said: Weak opponents are of no interest as negotiators.
US report on religious freedom 'unjustified': China China's official Xinhua news agency said Tuesday there was "no justification" for a US report signalling a marked deterioration in the country's religious freedom in 2011.
31 July 2012
A Frenchman's union of Islam and homosexuality A newlywed homosexual Frenchman is on a mission to prove that "being gay and Muslim is possible" after feeling forced for years to choose between his religion and sexuality.
23 July 2012
Olympics: Tajik 'million dollar baby' punches way to London Tajikistan is for the first time sending a female boxer to the London Olympics who is on a mission not only to win but to smash gender stereotypes in the religiously conservative ex-Soviet state.
17 July 2012
US calls on Iran to release Christian pastor The United States on Monday called on Iran to release Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who was imprisoned in 2009 and condemned to death for converting from Islam to Christianity.
Nazarbayev speaks of global crisis of moral valuesWe strongly condemn such behavior and express our support to all the religions in their opposition to the surge of the combative ungodliness: Nazarbayev.