Couple's love bridges Myanmar religious divide Praying with a Koran on his knees in a mud-strewn camp, Rohin Mullah is one of thousands of Muslims uprooted by sectarian bloodshed in Myanmar. But the former monk's story is far from normal.
23 October 2012
Pope to name seven saints including first Native American Pope Benedict XVI will name seven new saints on Sunday including the first Native American, marking the start of a "Year of Faith" aimed at countering the rising tide of secularism in the West.
20 October 2012
Indians say sainthood for Mohawk woman long overdue Rays of sunlight seep through a stained glass window at the tomb on the shores of the Saint Lawrence River of the tribeswoman who on Sunday will become the first American Indian saint.
Kazakhstan ratified agreement on relations with VaticanKazakhstan’s inter-confessional accord and positive results in parity relations with Vatican shows the need to enhance bilateral cooperation in this area: Kairat Lama Sharif.
30 September 2012
Number of religious institutions will be cut by third in KazakhstanBefore the re-registration there were 197 Christian, Evangelic and Baptist religious institutions registered at the territory of Kazakhstan. Only 60 of them have submitted documents for re-registration: Lama Sharif
Western missions under siege as Muslim riots spread Thousands of Pakistanis attempted to storm Islamabad's diplomatic enclave on Thursday, as anger mounted across the Muslim world over perceived Western insults to the Prophet Mohammed.
US powerless to act against anti-Islam inciters As anti-American protests erupt in the Muslim world, the United States is powerless to act against those who incited the violence due to the freedoms enshrined in its cherished constitution.
16 September 2012
"Messiah" mourned at elaborate Moon funeral More than 30,000 mourners, many weeping openly, attended the elaborate, flower-strewn funeral in South Korea Saturday of their "messiah" and Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon.
US missions stormed in Yemen, stoned in Egypt film protests Demonstrators stormed the US embassy in Yemen, leading to clashes in which four people were killed, while protesters stoned Washington's mission in Cairo as anger spread over a US-produced film mocking Islam.
14 September 2012
New cathedral inaugurated in KaragandaOpening of the new cathedral in Karaganda is a thrilling event not only for Kazakhstan, but for the whole Central Asia: Cardinal Sodano.
10 September 2012
Christians, Muslims, Jews call for peace from Sarajevo Leaders of Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Muslim and Jewish communities Sunday made a pressing call for peace from Bosnia which was the scene of the worst atrocities committed in Europe since World War II.
10 September 2012
Nazarbayev met with Pope's envoyKazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev met with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Envoy of the Pope, Dean of the College of Cardinals.