site.news_by_theme religion

Valeriya Porokhova. Photo courtesy of Valeriya Porokhova called to drive salafis out of Kazakhstan The Islam expert gave a video-conference lecture to representatives of Kazakhstan law-enforcement authorities.
28 октября 2011
Kazakhstan's Supreme mufti Absattar Hadji Derbissali. ©Yaroslav Radlovskiy Extremists' threats are nonsense: Kazakhstan's Supreme mufti Absattar Hadji Derbissali called Kazakhstan residents to stay calm and to not take the threats of Djund Al-Khalifat seriously.
27 октября 2011
Snapshot of the video from Extremists threatened Kazakhstan with violence for religion law Islamic group Djund Al-Khalifat threatened Kazakhstan with violence in case the authorities do not cancel the Law on Religion.
27 октября 2011
Valeriya Porokhova. ©RIA Novosti Islam allows to "combine prayers": Valeriya Porokhova Islam expert Valeriya Porokhova does not oppose closure of prayer rooms in Kazakhstan's public offices and explains that Islam allows combining prayers.
27 октября 2011
©RIA Novosti Mosques and chapels will not be closed in Kazakhstan prisons Head of press-service of Correctional System Commission of Kazakhstan Interior Ministry commented on the Religion Law.
24 октября 2011
©RIA Novosti Prisons to close down prayer rooms and chapels in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan prisons will start closing down mosques, chapels and prayer rooms on October 25.
24 октября 2011
Kairat Lama Sharif, Chairman of the Agency for Religion. The new law does not impair the equality of religions: Chairman of the Agency for Religion According to him, Islam and Russian Orthodox Church have occupied their niches, maintaining inter-faith dialogue and channels of social interaction.
18 октября 2011
Supreme Mufti Absattar Khazhi Derbisali. ©Yaroslav Radlovsky Kazakhstan’s Muslim Spiritual Authority to train 30-40 imams a year Should mosques be filled with qualified imams, the population at large will be listening to them and there will be no room for misleading teachings: Supreme Mufti.
17 октября 2011
Kairat Lama Sharif, Chairman of the Agency for Religion. Chairman of the Agency for Religion comments on the new law on religion According to him, norms regulating registration and re-registration of religion organizations will be the first to be drafted.
13 октября 2011
Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev. ©RIA Novosti President Nazarbayev signs law on religion The new law adopted by the national Parliament September 29 introduces obligatory re-registration of all religion organizations and prohibits administering any religion rites without due state registration.
13 октября 2011
Ban on prayers could encourage extremism in Kazakhstan: Tleukhan Tleukhan assumes that the provision of the new law prohibiting prayers in public offices is out of sync with a number of international documents.
07 октября 2011
Photo courtesy of Islamic TV Assyl Arna to broadcast nationwide in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan residents will be able to watch Islamic TV channel Assyl Arna as a part of the nationwide TV network.
06 октября 2011
Imams of Kazakhstan sit for an obligatory test 900 out of 2.5 thousand mosques are based in the South Kazakhstan. That's why the assessment started from the South.
05 октября 2011
Supreme Mufti Absattar Hkadzhi Derbessali. © Yaroslav Radlovsky Supreme Mufti comments on religion law September 29 Kazakhstan’s Parliament adopted a new law on religion that among other things introduces ban on prayer rooms in public bodies, education and healthcare facilities, military units.
01 октября 2011
Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Ambassador Janez Lenarčič. stock photo. ODIHR/OSCE called Kazakhstan to review Religious Law Director of the ODIHR/OSCE Janez Lenarčič expressed his concerns about Kazkahstan law On religious activities and religious institutions.
30 сентября 2011 stock photo Statement of Freedom House on Religious Law tagged groundless in Kazakhstan Chairman of Kazakhstan State Agency for Religion Kairat Lama Sharif tagged the statement of Freedom House groundless.
29 сентября 2011
©RIA Novosti/Maksim Bogodvid Chairman of Kazakhstan’s Agency for Religion on wearing hijabs According to him, this issue should not be raised in the legislation.
29 сентября 2011
©Ria Novosti/Valeriy Melnikov Kazakhstan Parliament adopted Religious Law The document has been submitted to the President for signature.
29 сентября 2011
Chairman of Kazakhstan State Agency for Religion Kairat Lama Sharif. Photo courtesy of Kairat Lama Sharif explained the "secular state" term Kairat Lama Sharif gave a special explanation of the “secular state” term during discussion of the draft law On religious activities and religious institutions in the Senate.
29 сентября 2011 stock photo American human rights organization called Kazakhstan Senate to reject Religious Law Draft Religious Law will “grossly curb Kazakhstani citizens’ right to freely practice and express their faith": Freedom House.
28 сентября 2011

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