site.news_by_theme Kazakhstan

New emblem of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation OIC changed its name and emblem The Organization of the Islamic Conference changed its name an emblem.
28 June 2011
Photo by Aizhan Tugelbayeva© Fire-fighting equipment made for Almaty stalled in Finland Almaty doesn't have the money to buy special fire-fighting equipment for elimination of fires in tall buildings.
28 June 2011
President Nazarbayev suggests working group within OIC to render assistance to Afghanistan According to the President, the Organization doesn't use to the full its capabilities to tackle drug dealing in this country.
28 June 2011
Karim Massimov. © Massimov took part in opening of 38th session of OIC CMFA Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Karim Massimov took part in the opening of the 38th session of the OIC Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs.
28 June 2011
Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev. ©REUTERS Nazarbayev points out disbalances in development of OIC countries Nursultan Nazarbayev spoke about disbalances in development of the OIC countries and a big difference between the economic preformances of of the OIC and European countries.
28 June 2011
Director General of Alash Media Group holding Batyr Kazybayev (R) receiving an award of the Journalists Union. ©Vladimir Dmitriyev received award of Kazakhstan Journalists Union Kazakhstan Journalists Union congratulated creative teams of newspapers, TV-channels and Internet-editions on their professional holiday.
28 June 2011
Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© President Nazarbayev calls for true renaissance of the Islamic civilization The Islamic world should use its demographic potential to secure sustainable economic development, President Nazarbayev said when speaking at the 38th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Member States in Astana.
28 June 2011
Nazarbayev called to create food fund for Islamic countries It is reasonable to develop a system of mutual food aid under the OIC. This problem is becoming more acute every day: Nursultan Nazarbayev.
28 June 2011
Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev. ©REUTERS President Nazarbayev suggests OIC joint action plan in energy realm Astana, the capital city of the Republic of Kazakhstan, hosts on 28-30 June 2011 the 38th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Member States which is held under the motto of “peace, cooperation and development”.
28 June 2011
Yerzhan Kazykhanov. Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© Chairmanship in OIC CFM officially transferred to Kazakhstan Minister Kazykhanov Kazakhstan Minister of Foreign Affairs Yerzhan Kazykhanov officially became chairman of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers.
28 June 2011 stock photo 20 power stations failed during Almaty storm Almaty storm on June 27 caused failures at 20 electric power substations.
28 June 2011
Kazakhstan wants to be part of OECD On his official visit to France, Prime Minister Karim Massimov met OECD's Secretary General Angel Gurría.
28 June 2011 stock photo Four people hospitalized after a storm in Almaty Four people were delivered to hospital after a storm that hit Almaty at 2:20 p.m. on June 27.
28 June 2011
Karim Massimov. Photo courtesy of
PM Massimov met PM François Fillon of France Following the talks, the two sides signed a number of bilateral documents.
27 June 2011
Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© Several cars with drivers were hit by fallen trees in Almaty Several cars with drivers inside were hit by fallen trees in today's strong storm in Almaty.
27 June 2011
Hail diameter was around 8mm. ©Mikhail Li PHOTO: Hailstorm hit Almaty 8-mm diameter hail hit Almaty.
27 June 2011
©RIA Novosti Kazakhstan suggested China to jointly screen cargoes at Khorgos Kazakhstan is suggesting China to jointly screen the cargoes passing through Khorgos customs post as part of an experiment.
27 June 2011
Photo courtesy of Customs Control Department's press-service Kazakhstan customs personnel will not be reduced in CU Not a single person will be fired. We are reducing the number of customs points at the Northern border: deputy chairman of Customs Control Commission.
27 June 2011
RIA Novosti© Launch of KazSat-2 put off from July 15 to July 16 According to the source, the date of the launch may have been coordinated to fit in the schedules of some VIPs that are expected to attend the launch.
27 June 2011
HeidelbergCement plant in Germany. ©heidelbergcement.сom Kazakhstan and Germany agreed to create engineering center Kazakhstan and Germany agreed to create a joint engineering center to help transfer leading technologies.
27 June 2011

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