Gastronomy nourishes Spain's gourmet city
Ham with brie, wild mushroom croquettes, cured-meat ravioli: gourmet cooking has put this Basque town on the gastronomic map, drawing visitors from around the world.
World economy needs action from China, EU: Geithner
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Saturday the global economy was on the mend, but more needed to be done to stoke domestic demand in China and fix Europe's fiscal woes.
14 October 2012
Beverage groups sue over New York 'supersize' ban
A US beverage industry group and other businesses filed a lawsuit Friday against the administration of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg seeking to block restrictions on sales of large soda drinks.
14 October 2012
EU's Van Rompuy details eurozone budget rationale
EU President Herman Van Rompuy argued Friday that the 17-state eurozone could have a central 'Treasury' with a shared budget and raise funds on commercial bond markets.
14 October 2012
Fiscal policy should be 'growth friendly': IMF body
The world economy needs to balance austerity with growth if it is to recover fully from the global financial crisis, a key IMF committee said in Tokyo on Saturday.
IMF wants to give Greece two more years The International Monetary Fund is happy for debt-battered Greece to have an extra two years to bring its runaway deficit in line with the demands of global creditors.
Spain, France vow action on eurozone crisis The leaders of France and Spain vowed concerted action on the eurozone as they met on Wednesday amid IMF calls for new measures to control the debt crisis threatening the global economy.
US sues Wells Fargo for mortgage fraud The US filed suit Tuesday against US banking giant Wells Fargo, alleging mortgage fraud that cost the government hundreds of million of dollars after the holders of the home loans defaulted.
Britain faces sink or swim moment, Cameron says Britain faces a sink or swim moment and must take painful action to avoid falling behind its global competitors, Prime Minister David Cameron was set to warn on Wednesday.