Spanish island to be fully powered by wind, waterThe smallest and least known of Spain's Canary Islands, El Hierro, is making a splash by becoming the first island in the world fully energy self-sufficient through combined water and wind power.
Foreign wind farms cause uproar in Mexican villages Foreign energy firms have flocked to a narrow region of southern Mexico, known as one of the world's windiest places, to build towering wind turbines, but some projects have angered and torn indigenous villages.
07 April 2013
Canadian researchers develop energy storage system Canadian researchers have developed a ground-breaking method which may ultimately enable excess energy created by wind turbines and solar panels to be stored for later use.
30 March 2013
Kazakhstan to produce wind generatorsTechnologies for production of components for development of green energy are going to be introduced in Kazakhstan.
Study says wind could power the whole world There's enough wind to power the world many times over, according to a study out Monday, but it would take a massive infrastructure investment to harness it that analysts say is not realistic.