site.news_by_theme Tenge

Photo courtesy of Making sense of Kazakhstan's decision to float tenge Kazakhstan tenge plunged to its record low after the country floated it, renouncing the set corridor and adopting inflation targeting.
21 August 2015
Photo courtesy of Nazarbayev instructs National Bank to compensate tenge deposits President of Kazakhstan instructed the National Bank to initiate a mechanism of compensation for private fixed-term deposits in tenge.
21 August 2015
Analysts on fair market exchange rate of USD to tenge August 20 the country’s Central Bank renounced its policy of the set currency band, letting the national currency float freely.
21 August 2015
PM Massimov on how Kazakhstan avoided default From August 20 the National Bank and the Government have decided to implement a new monetary policy based on inflation targeting and to renounce the earlier practiced currency corridor.
20 August 2015
REUTERS © Kazakhstan central bank on why fixed currency exchange rate had to be renounced Inflation targeting is another type of monetary policy that rests on the inflation rate in the mid run, rather than on the currency exchange rate: Kairat Kelimbetov.
20 August 2015
©Tengrinews Causes of tenge-dollar exchange rate spike unclear People in Kazakhstan wonder about the meaning of August 19 spike in tenge-dollar exchange rate, while the National Bank keeps silent.
20 August 2015
©REUTERS New devaluation in Kazakhstan? Kazakhstani banks raise dollar-tenge exchange rate. People fear another devaluation of the currency. The Kazakh National Bank is silent.
19 August 2015
Photo courtesy of Loans in dollars are dangerous: head of Kazkom Chairman of the Board of of Kazkommertsbank said that issuing and obtaining loans in dollars in Kazakhstan was dangerous.
27 July 2015
©Yaroslav Radlovsky Experts comment on Kazakh National Bank expanding tenge-dollar pegged corridor Experts comment on the latest expansion of the tenge to dollar exchange rate pegged corridor in Kazakhstan.
16 July 2015
Central Bank Governor Kairat Kelimbetov. Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan expands tenge to US dollar exchange rate corridor Kazakhstan’s central bank has expanded the tenge to US dollar exchange rate corridor.
15 July 2015
Turar Kazangapov © No drastic changes of the tenge exchange rate: Central Bank Governor Earlier President Nazarbayev declared that no devaluation of the tenge would happen right after the presidential elections, as it had been predicted earlier by some analysts.
03 June 2015
Photo © Turar Kazangapov Nazarbayev dispels rumours of tenge devaluation President Nursultan Nazarbayev has dispelled the rumours about a forthcoming devaluation of the tenge in Kazakhstan.
29 April 2015
Photo © Turar Kazangapov Kazakhstan rules out possibility of single EEU currency Kazakhstan has once again ruled out the possibility of adopting a single currency for the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), despite the propositions of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
28 April 2015
©Tengrinews Kazakh banks may benefit from tenge devaluation: experts Experts share their views on the possible implications of devaluation of the tenge for Kazakhstani banks.
24 March 2015
©Tengrinews Kazakhs bore into microcredits amid shortage of tenge in banks Kazakhstanis are now increasingly relying on services of microfinance organisations due to the shortage of tenge in banks.
21 March 2015
©Yaroslav Radlovsky Head of Kazakh bank tags tenge deficit artificial Chairman of one of Kazakhstani banks says that the tenge deficit in Kazakhstan is created artificially.
07 March 2015
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan’s Central Bank comes up with plan to reduce economy dollarization The plan for 2015-2016 was developed concertedly with the Government and seeks to ensure macroeconomic stability, develop cashless payments, reducing the shadow economy, and prioritize the national currency over foreign currencies.
04 March 2015
©Tengrinews illustration Samruk-Kazyna limits forex transactions of its subsidiaries Kazakh National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna has ordered its subsidiaries to avoid making unnecessary foreign currency transactions to reduce pressure on the tenge exchange rate in Kazakhstan.
25 February 2015
Kairat Kelimbetov. Photo courtesy of Kazakh Central Bank Governor speaks tenge liquidity and de-dollarization Governor of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Kairat Kelimbetov speaks about the state of the financial market in Kazakhstan and what the government will do about it.
15 February 2015
©Tengrinews illustration Nazarbayev urges state companies to support tenge President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has urged Kazakhstan's state companies to sell dollars and buy the tenge.
13 February 2015

Exchange Rates

 480.4   533.87   5.33 




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